Village Hall Events November 2021

(Using a different format for listings as the table used for the last two months doesn’t display correctly in email alerts)

We now have a Village Hall Bookings Calendar at  where you can see forthcoming events. Here’s a summary:

  • Monday 1st November and every Monday:
    Art Club 10-12 and Library Cafe 2-4pm
  • Friday 5th November and every Friday
    Chair Yoga 11-12 (limited places please email or call 07367 757124)
  • Saturday 6th November (and first Saturday of every month)
    Library Cafe 10-12
  • Tuesday 16th November Parish Council 7.30pm
  • Thursday 18th November Villagers Group 2-4pm

Village Hall News update & September 2021 Events

As most of you know, we were finally able to reopen the hall towards the end of July after prolonged closure due to Covid.  Our regular weekly activities – art club and the library café – have resumed and it’s been a joy to see old friends meeting up for the first time in over a year. The monthly Villagers group normally takes place on a Thursday afternoon, but this month hosted an entertaining evening talk open to all, about Vivien Drake, a former Dallington resident with theatrical connections. Another well attended talk took place in August on the wartime history of Dallington Forest and other woodlands, and as you can see we have a full programme lined up for September.

Events in September
(Please note no Art Club or Library Café on Bank Holiday Monday 30th August)

Saturday 4th10-12Library Cafe
Art Club
Monday 6th2-4 Library Cafe
Thursday 9th2-4Villagers Group
Games afternoon
Friday 10th11-12Chair Yoga
New weekly beginners course, starts 10th September More details
Monday13th10-12Art Club
Monday13th2-4Library Cafe
Friday17th11-12Chair Yoga
Friday 17th7-9 QUIZ NIGHT 7pm start
Entry £5 to include refreshments (bring your own wine)
Monday20th10-12Art Club
Monday20th2-4Library Cafe
Friday24th11-12Chair Yoga
Monday27th10-12Art Club
Monday27th2-4Library Cafe

Please note that we are retaining some precautions to keep the hall ‘covid safe’,  including provision of hand sanitiser, extra ventilation and limiting numbers for each event.

In order to encourage more people to come forward with new ideas, the Management Committee have agreed to use some grant money to enable us to waive hall hire fees until the end of the year for groups or one-off events that are of potential interest and benefit to the community as a whole. Please get in touch with the booking secretary Karen Gillingham  on 01435 831563 if you are interested in booking the hall.

Talk Thursday 19th August 2021

“Dallington, Vivien Drake and some of the stars of yesteryear”

Thursday 19th August at 7.00 pm in Dallington Old School Village Hall

Laura Vakil and Tim Lord will be sharing memories, music and stories of Dallington in the postwar years.  Laura’s grandmother Vivien Drake, who lived at Pantons in The Street following a career on the London stage, had numerous theatrical visitors and was an active member of the Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society.  Free entry.  Refreshments available. Everyone welcome.

March 2020 events in Dallington

(from Bobbie Steel)

  • St Giles Church services in March
    • Sunday March 1st             11am.            Service of The Word
    • Sunday March  8th.          6.30pm.      Evensong
    • Sunday March 15th          11am.            Holy Communion
    • Sunday March 22nd         9.30am.      Holy Communion
    • Sunday March 29th.         11am.           Service of The Word
  • Library Cafe  Saturday March 7th from 10-12 and every Monday afternoon from 2-4.  Books, refreshments, friendly company.
  • Art Club  (weekly) Monday mornings from 10-12
  • Book Club (monthly) Monday March 9th 4-5pm
  • History Group There will be meetings of the History Group on
    March 10th (Doug Edworthy on the history of Dallington Forest) and
    March 24th (Pauline Ridley on Dallington Reading Room 100 years ago)
    All at 7 for 7.30pm in Dallington Old School Village Hall.
  • Poetry Group (monthly)  Monday March 16th 4-5pm
  • Villagers Group (monthly) The Dallington Village Group will meet on Thursday March 19th at 7pm  in the hall. (Please note the change of time). The subject will be ‘Who’s done that?’