School Governor Opportunity

Woodlands Federation LogoWANTED!

Someone who would like to make a difference in the lives of local children.

We are looking for someone to join Woodlands Federation Governing Board.

As a governor you will be a volunteer who makes a vital contribution to the success of our schools. All that is needed is commitment, a willingness to be part of a team and an ability to ask questions!

Woodlands Federation Governing Board is made up of governors from all walks of life, with a range of different backgrounds, skills and experiences, but they all work together for the benefit of the schools in the federation – Punnetts Town Community Primary and Nursery School and Dallington C of E Primary School.

What can we offer?
  • A chance to develop new skills and knowledge. Everyone has access to further free training to help build on existing skills or to develop new ones.
  • An opportunity to collaborate with our team of governors and staff, all of whom are passionate about providing the very best primary education for all our children.
  • A sense of achievement in making a difference to our schools

The full Governing Board meets six to eight times per year. Governors also use their identified skills and expertise in the Finance Committee and in working groups, which are created from time to time, these have a specific focus and report back to the full Governing Board.

This role may be particularly of interest if you have skills in finance, human resources or premises management, but we invite applications from anyone who is interested in helping the schools be the best they can be. You must be eighteen or over, and if appointed agree to an enhanced DBS check being completed.

If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact our Chair of Governors, Monica Pell by email [email protected]

Woodlands Federation is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share in this commitment. All posts are subject to appropriate vetting procedures and a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.

Village Hall Events February 2025

Photo of village hall




Coming up this month:

Saturday February 1st 10am – 12pm Library Cafe

Our regular “First Saturday” community Library Cafe  (with apologies for the unplanned cancellation last month).
This month, we are once again offering bacon sandwiches as well as the usual tea, coffee and biscuits!

Every Monday:

    • Art Club 10am -12pm – all welcome
    • Library Cafe 2 pm – 4pm

And finally, do join us in the Village Hall
for the Annual General Meeting
Thursday February  27th at 7.00pm.

All local residents are warmly invited to hear updates from the current committee, help elect any new trustees and discuss plans for the next year. We would really welcome your suggestions for new groups and activities – particularly for and by younger residents – as well as one-off events and talks.

St Giles Services February 2025

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

  • Sunday  February 2nd     11am. Service of The Word
  • Sunday  February  9th.    6.30pm. Evensong
  • Sunday  February 16th    11am. Holy Communion
  • Sunday  February  23rd   9.30am. Holy Communion

National Iyengar Yoga Day 18th Jan

Come and Celebrate

National Iyengar yoga Day
18th January 10am-12noon.
Free session
With Brenda Booth and fellow teachers.
Brightling Village Hall
TN32 5HH
Bring a mat and any other yoga equipment.
Wear loose clothing

Equipment will be available to use on the day.

Take part in a happy event.

No experience needed.

For more information contact



Black poplars offer

(Posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy, tree warden)

Leaves of black poplarCan you find a suitable space for a black poplar?
Within the next few weeks there will be 650 black poplar whips available from Kew Wakehurst. Do you know anyone who may be interested in receiving these trees, or of any sites that would benefit?
Individuals and organisations can apply, and there is no limit to the number of trees people can apply for. The whips may need to be collected from Wakehurst, or if there is enough demand in certain areas, it may be that other collection points could be organised.
There’s an application form for the trees is on the Western Sussex Rivers Trust website: .

St Giles Services over Christmas and January

These were previously published with the November dates. Here they are again

December 2024

  • 1st         11am.          Service of The Word
  • 8th        6.30pm.    Evensong
  • 15th       11am.        Holy Communion
  • 22nd      6.30pm.   Carol Service
    On Saturday Dec 21st the church will be decorated for Christmas. All welcome. After the Carol Service there will be drinks and mince pies. Come along to celebrate the start of Christmas.
  • 24th. 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion.
  • 29th    NO service at Dallington

January 2025

  • 5th.         11am.         Service of The Word
  • 12th.      6.30pm.     Evensong
  • 19th.      11am.          Holy Communion
  • 26th.    9.30am.       Holy Communion

Extended Deadline for Dark Skies Children’s Writing Competition


In view of the interest generated by the recent High Weald Wild about Dark Skies Festival (28 Oct-10 Nov), the editorial board of The Messenger Magazine have decided to extend the deadline for our  Children’s Creative Writing competition (previously announced in the September issue of the Messenger) to 15th November, 2024

The Festival aims to celebrate the High Weald’s dark skies and raise awareness about the negative impacts of light pollution – on wildlife, climate change and our own wellbeing – and how we can help reduce it.

Our writing competition  is designed to inspire and celebrate children’s responses to this topic. It is open to all children aged 5-11 living or attending school in the area served by the Messenger. We  invite entries of poems, or short stories or articles (maximum 250 words) on any aspect of the theme of Dark Skies. Here are some questions to get them thinking:

    • What’s special about dark skies and why do they matter?
    • What are your own experiences of the dark?
    • What  can you see in the night sky?
    • What do you like about the moon and stars?
    • What are the stories behind constellation names?
    • Why is darkness important to wildlife?
    • What would happen to animals, birds and insects if it stayed light all the time?

The new deadline for entries is  15th November, 2024 and results will be announced in the new year. Prizes will be awarded in the two age categories:
– Young 5-7 years
– Junior 8-11 years.

The winners in each age category will each receive a £20 book token from Rother Books and their entries will be published in The Messenger. Runners up from each of the four villages will receive a £10 token.  All entrants will receive a special Dark Skies bookmark.  Your school may be taking part in the competition but individual entries are also very welcome.

Competition Rules

  • Subject: “Dark Skies”
  • Word count: Up to 250 words (excluding title)
  • Judging criteria: Originality, engagement with theme, language (entries will not be judged on spelling and grammar)
  • Only one entry per child
  • Entries must be the original work of the child and should be submitted by a responsible adult (parent/guardian or teacher with parental consent).
  • By submitting, the responsible adult grants permission for winning entries to be published in The Messenger. Copyright remains with the author
  • Child’s name & age on 15th November 2024 should be included with their entry, along with address and contact details (which will not be published) for notification of results.
  • Entries may be handwritten or typed and submitted by email to [email protected] or by post to
    The Messenger Children’s Writing Competition,
    Hunters Farm, Kent Lane, Brightling TN32 5HU
  • Entries must arrive by midnight  15th November 2024; late entries cannot be considered
  • The judges’ decisions are final

[Corrected] St Giles Services Nov/Dec

[Apologies that Christmas Eve Service previously omitted – here is the corrected list]

December 2024

  • 1st         11am.          Service of The Word
  • 8th        6.30pm.    Evensong
  • 15th       11am.        Holy Communion
  • 22nd      6.30pm.   Carol Service
    On Saturday Dec 21st the church will be decorated for Christmas. All welcome. After the Carol Service there will be drinks and mince pies. Come along to celebrate the start of Christmas.
  • 24th. 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion.
  • 29th    NO service at Dallington

January 2025

  • 5th.         11am.         Service of The Word
  • 12th.      6.30pm.     Evensong
  • 19th.      11am.          Holy Communion
  • 26th.    9.30am.       Holy Communion

Messenger Magazine Annual Get-together This Thursday 7th November

The Messenger Magazine Annual Readers’ get-together will start at 7:00 pm on Thursday (7 November 2024) in Brightling Village Hall

ALL readers of the Messenger Magazine are warmly invited.

There will be FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and soft) and nibbles. This is partly a social occasion – an opportunity to have a relaxing chat with neighbours and others in Brightling, Dallington, Mountfield, and Netherfield. It is also our AGM (Annual General Meeting) so there will be some brief formalities (very brief, we promise!) including electing the committee that runs the magazine between parties (sorry, AGMs).

The committee hopes that as many people as possible will come. It’s an opportunity to show your support for the magazine (if you like it) or tell us what’s wrong (if you don’t like it!) – or just a relaxing evening with a glass of wine or something.

See you on Thursday.