Village Hall Events February 2025

Photo of village hall




Coming up this month:

Saturday February 1st 10am – 12pm Library Cafe

Our regular “First Saturday” community Library Cafe  (with apologies for the unplanned cancellation last month).
This month, we are once again offering bacon sandwiches as well as the usual tea, coffee and biscuits!

Every Monday:

    • Art Club 10am -12pm – all welcome
    • Library Cafe 2 pm – 4pm

And finally, do join us in the Village Hall
for the Annual General Meeting
Thursday February  27th at 7.00pm.

All local residents are warmly invited to hear updates from the current committee, help elect any new trustees and discuss plans for the next year. We would really welcome your suggestions for new groups and activities – particularly for and by younger residents – as well as one-off events and talks.

National Iyengar Yoga Day 18th Jan

Come and Celebrate

National Iyengar yoga Day
18th January 10am-12noon.
Free session
With Brenda Booth and fellow teachers.
Brightling Village Hall
TN32 5HH
Bring a mat and any other yoga equipment.
Wear loose clothing

Equipment will be available to use on the day.

Take part in a happy event.

No experience needed.

For more information contact



Advance notice & request for help

(Posted on behalf of Roy Iremonger)

Dallington’s War 1939 to 1945

On Sunday 31st August 2025 all are welcome to attend an afternoon of personal memories, family anecdotes and historical details regarding how Dallington was affected by World War Two.  The event will be held in the afternoon in St Giles Church – where on 3rd September 1939, villagers gathered to hear the radio broadcast announcement that Britain was now at war – and will be followed by a cream tea.

The reason for the early advertising is to give us plenty of time to gather as much information as possible. We would love to hear of any war-time stories covering such subjects as evacuees, school life, farming changes, the war in the skies, troops billeted in the parish, the Home Guard, rationing, local entertainment and any other wartime topic that will be of interest to the residents of Dallington.

If you think you might be able to help please give Roy Iremonger a call on 01323 832627 or email [email protected].

Village Hall Events May 2024

Apologies for late posting. The Saturday Library Cafe & Plant Sale was advertised separately and has now taken place.  Lots of lovely plants donated by a few good gardeners which helped raise money towards the cost of hall maintenance. As the season is late this year,  many people are still waiting to get going with seed sowing and planting, so we will offer further ‘plant & seed tables’ at the next few Saturday morning sessions (first Saturday of each month, 10-12) so please keep an eye open and share what you can.

Remaining events this month:

  • Every Monday except bank holidays:
    • Art Club 10-12
    • Library Café 2-4pm
  • Tuesday 21st May Dallington Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

New Dallington History website

Screenshot of website URL in post
Screenshot of the new website

Some of you may already know the Dallington History site which has existed for several years, holding a collection of materials from various sources: occasional local history talks, census returns and other documents, as well as individual articles and queries received from people from around the world researching their Dallington ancestors.

The site has now been given a new look and a major restructure, designed to make it easier to record and celebrate the history of our village, the people who have lived here and the places where they have lived and worked. It has also been registered as a One Place Study (

This is still a work in progress, but eventually there will be a page for every house in the village, with details about the buildings and a list of who has lived there over the years, alongside information about individual families and other resources including articles on social history. The site is intended as a community resource for use by anyone researching local or family history, so please do take a look and use the new Queries & Replies page to share any information or questions you may have. You can find it at

Village Hall Events June 2023

Happy to announce that normal service has resumed after last month’s  Coronation events and multiple bank holidays:

  • Saturday 3rd June (this weekend) Library Cafe 10-12noon 
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)

And our regular weekly activities:

  • Monday 5th June (and every Monday)
      • Art Club 10-12
      • Library Café 2-4pm
  • Thursday evenings Beginners Yoga 8-9pm
  • Friday mornings Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon 
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit

No special events or talks planned for this month, but do get in touch if you would like to suggest something new…..

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to our Main Hall Bookings Page  and to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to the Billiard Room page


Coronation bell ringing 6th May

(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)

We will be ringing at 10am on Saturday 6th May 2023 for the Coronation of the King and Queen. We will be 6 in number, our learner making their first public performance and borrowing a ringer from Warbleton, the local band will make a joyful sound.
Diana Day

Dallington Events in May 2023

Due to this month’s  Coronation events, there will be NO Library Cafe in the village hall on the following dates:

    • Monday 1st May (May Bank Holiday)
    • Saturday 6th May (Coronation Day) or
    • Monday 8th May (extra Coronation Bank Holiday)

 However, we hope as many villagers as possible will bring a picnic and join in the Coronation Big Lunch with others from our local community at the Sugarloaf Field (Dallington Recreation Ground) on
Sunday 7th May.   More details at


Local Elections Thursday 4th May As usual the village hall will be used as the Polling Station for this year’s local elections. Don’t forget that from now on you’ll need to show photo ID when voting in person.  Check the list of acceptable forms of ID at the Government website to make sure that you have what you need. . The first Dallington Parish Council after these elections will take place in the village hall on Tuesday 23rd May. See the main DPC page at sign up for email alerts so you don’t miss future announcements.

For the rest of the month,  regular activities in the village hall will continue as follows:

  • Mondays  (except 1st & 8th May)
    Art Club 10am -12noon;   Library Cafe 2pm-4pm
  • Thursdays (except 4th May)   Yoga class 8-9pm
  • Fridays        Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to

And to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to

Ring for the King 6th May 2023

(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)

Ring for the King. We have a learner who has now progressed to ringing in rounds, we are confident that they will be able to join in the Ringing for the King, on 6/5/23.

More information about national ringing arrangements at