Category: Trees
Black poplars offer
(Posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy, tree warden)

Forest Walks
Dallington and Brightling Forest Project Walks
Learn more of the local history, planting and harvesting of the forest.
Led by the local Tree warden Doug Edworthy
Guided Walk time approx. 2 hours with donations of around £5 which goes towards the sustainability of the Forest.
For further information contact Brenda Booth Email [email protected]
Be sure to put these dates in your diary
- Sunday 1st October 10am
- Saturday 28th October 10am
- Saturday 18th November 10am
- Sunday 3rd December 10am
Dallington Forest Walk 23rd April
(Posted on behalf of Brenda Booth)
Dallington Forest Walk 23rd April 11am.
For further information and to reserve a place, please contact Brenda Booth
[email protected]
Wanted: landowners’ opinions on wooded habitats
(posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy, Tree Warden, Brightling and Dallington parishes)
Land manager opinions on wooded habitats
I’ve recently taken part in a survey of land managers’ opinions on wooded habitats, being run as part of a research project by a PhD student, Sam Aizlewood, at University of Kent, Canterbury. He would welcome input to the survey from other landowners or managers of woodlands of any size in Brightling and Dallington parishes. The survey takes the form of an online Teams interview with Sam and lasts around an hour. Your data is respected and dealt-with in confidence. Please contact him directly at [email protected], he would be delighted to hear from you. More details below:
Text of enclosed flyer:
Participants needed for study on wooded habitats and land management
We would like to hear from you if:
- You are 18 or over
- You own or manage land in Kent, East & West Sussex, Surrey or Hampshire with a property of at least 1 hectare
- You do not need to have woodland or trees on your property
We want to hear any opinions you may have
What you will be asked to do:
- An interview over video call or in person with the researcher
- This should take no more than an hour
For more information email: [email protected]
Prize draw for 2 x £100 Amazon vouchers
Dallington Forest Walk 26th March 2023
(Posted on behalf of Brenda Booth)
Dallington Forest Walk led by Doug Edworthy (Tree Warden Dallington and Brightling)
26th March Meet at top of Bakers Lane – main road end – at 11am (and don’t forget that the clocks go forward the night before).
Walk will be approx. 2 to 3 hours
Please contact Brenda Booth (co-ordinator)
Email [email protected] Text 07730402908
New Survey of Plants in Dallington Forest SSSI finds two species missing
(Posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy)
During 2022 a survey of vascular plants was conducted in the beautiful Dallington Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), which straddles the parishes of Brightling and Dallington.
Originally surveyed and designated a SSSI way back in 1953 when regionally and nationally rare species: Wood Fescue, Hay-scented Buckler-fern, Cornish Moneywort, and Ivy-leaved Bellflower were found, there had been no systematic survey or recording since then.
So, funded by the Peter Smith Charitable Trust, this last Spring and Summer three separate surveys were undertaken to discover how many species were still present. The results were interesting in that a total of 48 ancient woodland indicator species were found, but disappointing in that two of the rare species now appear to be extinct in the SSSI.
Visit the Dallington Forest Project website to learn more. The survey report and data can be found at https://dallingtonforest.uk/plants/
Following on from my previous post about the Tree Preservation Order 432 land at Woods Corner (owner Westridge Construction), see link below –
Click on this link to see the post referred to above
In order that this TPO is confirmed, we are asking you to contact Legal Services for Wealden and Rother District Councils with letters of support. This must be done by 22nd August 2022.
These letters of support must be made in writing and posted to:
Wealden and Rother District Councils
Joint Legal Service
Town Hall
East Sussex TN39 3JX
It is vital that as many letters of support are received as it is entirely possible that the landowner may object/appeal the TPO.
Letters of support have been sent by Doug Edworthy (Dallington Tree Warden), who has done sterling work on this and Dallington Parish Council, you can see these on the link below.
Please contact me if you need any more information.
Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414/07711 224150
[email protected]
Sussex Woodlands Photography Competition
Action in rural Sussex – Photography Competition 2021
Dallington is home not only to beautiful woodlands but also many talented photographers so we should have a good local showing in this year’s AirS photography competition.
The theme is Sussex’s Wonderful Woodlands and how people enjoy and get to know the woods. Whether your focus is on beautiful wildlife or on people, AirS say, “our judges will be looking for imaginative, beautiful images that capture the vibrant woodlands within Sussex and the community spirit that weaves throughout these areas. We want to see you out there getting involved with nature and the woods!”
Entry is free, and the competition will be open until Sunday 28th November 2021. There will be three age categories to enter: under 10s, 11-17 and 18+, and some great prizes.
For full details, see the website at https://www.ruralsussex.org.uk/photography-competition/
Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm
“Woodlands at War: The impact and legacy of WW1 and WW2 on Britain’s Woodlands” talk by Clive Mayhew
Talk at Dallington Village Hall, Friday 6th August, 7 pm start. No entrance fee, but donations to cover the cost of refreshments would be welcome.
Description: The substantial contribution made by British woodlands over two world wars has been somewhat overlooked in subsequent histories. This talk looks at those pre-war woodlands,describes the extent of their contribution during these conflicts, and assesses its post war legacy. Continue reading “Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm”