Agenda for DPC Extraordinary Meeting 20.03.23


Parish Council Members are summoned to an Extraordinary Council Meeting of Dallington Parish Council, to be held on 20th June 2023, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall

Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711 224150 –

1. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Open Forum

Public Question Time – to receive any questions/concerns from members of the public on matters on the agenda.

5. Damage to pavilion ceiling and actions to be taken.

6. Other DRG matters.

  • Installation of galvanised pedestrian gate adjacent car park gate.
  • Replace the shiplap base on pavilion.
  • The entire pavilion needs a coat of creosote type varnish.
  • The waste behind the pavilion needs clearing and disposed of safely.
  • The old goal posts need safe disposal.
  • The contents of the container must be looked at, presently an old, defunct mover and safe disposal considered.

7. Dates of next meetings

  • 18.07.23 – Full Council Meeting
  • 15.08.23 – Planning Meeting (provisional)

Weather forecast good for the Coronation Big Lunch Picnic Sunday 7th May!

screesnhot showing weather forecastIt may be rainy today but tomorrow’s forecast is looking good for tomorrow’s Coronation Big Lunch Picnic at the Dallington Recreation Ground  – Sunday 7th May – gates open from 12.30.

Bring your own picnic and join in the celebrations with your neighbours – there will be games and other activities including a cake competition for adults and children, and special coronation packs of wildflower seeds for the children to scatter along the edge of the field to give us a show in future years  (more details at

composite image of childrens bunting

And todays rain didn’t stop our intrepid volunteers getting the site ready for the big day – decorations include the wonderful bunting made by the children of Dallington School.

volunteers putting up buntingSo please come along and enjoy the day!



Coronation Big Lunch Picnic Sunday 7th May

You are cordially invited….

to bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the Coronation Big Lunch with others from our local community.

On:  Sunday 7th May 2023

At:  Dallington Recreation Ground
(next to the Sugar Loaf at Woods Corner)

Gate opens 12 Noon. Parking available

  • Do you enjoy baking? Bake, decorate and bring a cake to enter the Coronation cake competition. Prizes for adults and children.
  • During the afternoon there also will be games and Coronation related activities for children and adults to enjoy if they wish.

Tea and coffee will be available in the Pavilion but please bring your own food & drink , plates and cutlery etc.

Agenda for DRG Meeting on 28.03.23 (starts 7.00pm)


Registered Charity No. 305203

Sole Trustee – Dallington Parish Council

Trust Members are invited to a meeting of the Dallington Parish Council Trust, to be held on 28th March 2023 at 7.00pm in Dallington Village Hall

Members of the public and press are welcome and encouraged to attend

22nd March 2023

Irene Marchant – Secretary/Treasurer

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711224150 –


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

To approve the accuracy of the draft minutes of the DRG meeting held on 22.03.22.

3. Annual fees for users

For the Trust to set the user fees for 2023-24.

4. Review of the year and any matters arising.

5. Looking forward to 2023-24

  • Coronation celebrations, May 2023.
  • Other events.
  • Encouraging the Dallington community to make use of and enjoy the DRG.

6. A sincere thank you to all our users and contractors.

7. Date of next DRG meeting

19.03.24, to start at 7.00pm

Coronation Picnic Sunday 7th May 2023

Coronation Picnic
Sunday 7th May 2023 from 12 noon
Dallington Recreation Ground

Coronation Big Lunch LogoGates open at 12 noon Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the Coronation Big Lunch with others from our parish and local community.

  • During the afternoon there will be games and Coronation related activities for children and adults to enjoy if they wish.
  • Do you enjoy baking? Bake, decorate and bring a cake to enter the Coronation cake competition. Prizes for adults and children.
  • Could you help? Maybe assist with an activity or help set up the marquee and gazebos in the morning? More volunteers are needed to help make this a special community event. Please contact Nikki Holyoake

Further details of our celebratory event will be posted on this website as they develop

The Beacon is loaded….

Snowy field showing beacon in background The Beacon is loaded and rain protected ready for next Wednesday’s Winter Solstice event.

This will take place at the Dallington Recreation Ground  (Sugar Loaf Field) on the Battle Road, 21st December 7.00 onwards, mulled wine and food before we light the beacon (full details in our earlier post).

Thanks to Nick Harding for the loading and the photos . Hope to see many of you there.

Jubilee Weekend Roundup


Proud to say that Dallington held celebration events on every day of the Jubilee weekend – and we were so lucky with the weather! Here’s a brief round up and a gallery of photographs.

    • Thursday Evening BBQ & Beacon: A wonderful evening – lots of people turned up to take part to enjoy the barbecue and good company and watch the beacon being lit. Thanks to everyone who made this happen – from initial planning and publicity, getting the pavilion and field ready the day before, the parish council for funding the food and drink, the individuals who cooked and served it, and finally the beacon team for assembling, lighting and keeping everything safe.
    • Friday Bellringing at St Giles Dallington Tower rang at 3pm, along with many other towers, to coincide with a Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral  that day.
    • Saturday  Our regular monthly Saturday morning Community Library Café at Dallington Old School Village Hall was extended to 4pm for the occasion.  Visitors were able to view a temporary exhibition “Dallington Celebrates” – a display of photographs and souvenirs from village events over the years including Coronation celebrations in 1953, summer fetes, harvest festivals, street parties and open gardens.  There was also a chance to take part in a fun snooker competition in the newly refurbished Billiard Room. Thanks to everyone who lent photographs, scrap books and souvenirs, and to our volunteers who provided  bacon sandwiches, soup and delicious home-made cakes throughout the day.
    • Sunday am Thanksgiving service at St Giles (report from Bobbie Steel): Along with churches throughout this country and the Commonwealth, Dallington celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen. It happened to be one of the Sundays when we were without a member of the clergy present to lead the service. On these occasions our Churchwarden, Wendy Miers, prepares and presents the order of service, with a talk on a relevant person or subject. On this momentous day, when the focus was on Thanksgiving for Service, Wendy chose as her theme thanks to the members of the church family who had given unstinting service over long years. A good number in the congregation ensured that the lovely hymns were sung with enthusiasm, all rounded off with The National Anthem. After the service everyone enjoyed the refreshments with a loyal toast to Her Majesty. This was just one of the ways in which our village marked a very special, once in a lifetime, “Thank you” to our Queen.
    • Sunday pm Despite gloomy weather forecasts earlier in the week, the rain held off for our final village celebration, back on the recreation ground for a relaxed afternoon picnic tea & games and a drone to take a group village photograph of all present.

Jubilee Beacon & Barbecue

Beacon litLovely to see such a good turn out for this evenings inaugural Jubilee event at the Dallington Recreation ground.

Children playing on the field, lots of people enjoying the barbecue food and drink.

The beacon was lit a bit earlier than scheduled as people were beginning to get cold but was still roaring away happily at 9.45 when the national chain of beacons lit up.  Thanks to everyone involved in organising the event, bringing and cooking food & drink, and lighting the beacon .

Three men and a beacon
The Beacon lighting team, Nick, Matt and Douglas

And don’t forget tomorrow (Friday 3rd) bellringing at 3 pm, then on Saturday the community library cafe will have an extended opening from 10-4 at the Old School village hall in The Street – bacon sandwiches, cakes and refreshments all day, an exhibition of photographs of Dallington celebrations and events from the Coronation onwards, and a chance to see the newly refurbished Billiard room and take part in a lighthearted contest  – how many balls can you pot in 5 minutes?


Jubilee Weekend Events June 2-5 2022

Jubilee header


Here is the list of Dallington events taking place over the Jubilee Weekend.  These can also be found on the main Jubilee 2022 page for reference.   Any updates will  be posted here  (you can also sign up for email alerts for all village news items and announcements) .

Thursday 2 June Platinum Jubilee Beacons 7.30-10.00pm Dallington Recreation Ground

photo of field with tree, table and sugar loaf folly in background

This is is the first community event of the national four-day Jubilee Weekend. All local residents are invited to join the opening of festivities with a special evening event at the  Dallington Recreation Ground from 7.30pm to share a barbecue.


Dallington beacon burning

Then, along with hundreds of beacons around the country, the Dallington Beacon will be lit at 9.45pm.(You can find out more about the national beacon events at )

Saturday 4th June “Dallington Celebrates”  10 am  – 4pm
Dallington Old School Village Hall 

On Saturday 4 June, Dallington Old School Village Hall will host an exhibition “Dallington Celebrates” alongside the monthly community Library Café which will be open until 4pm on this day.    Come and see a display of historic photographs and souvenirs from village events over the past seventy years, share your own stories and memories and enjoy delicious home made  cakes. Refreshments will be served throughout the day. Please get in touch if you have any photographs to share, particularly from previous Jubilee events.

We will also be inviting visitors to view the newly refurbished Billiards Room, take part in a fun competition (“How many snooker balls can you pot in 5 minutes?”) and find out how to book the room to play with your friends.

Sunday 5th June St Giles Church 11am
Jubilee Thanksgiving Service and Songs of Praise

Photo of Dallington Church TowerCongregation-led Service of Thanksgiving and Songs of Praise, followed by celebratory refreshments


Sunday 5th June 3-6pm Picnic  Fun & Games
Dallington Recreation Ground

photo of field with tree, table and sugar loaf folly in backgroundA village celebration and get together –  everyone is welcome. Bring your own picnic and share the fun with friends and family. There will be games and we hope a village photograph of all present via a drone – a wonderful opportunity to record more memories of the people living here today.

The last time we had an all village photograph was during the Millennium Celebrations (a copy of this will be included in the display hall display on Saturday