Village Cricket 13th July 2019

Dallington Village Cricket

6-a-Side Cricket at the Sugar Loaf Field, Woods Corner.
From 2pm, Saturday, 13th July, 2019

Photo of cricketerFamilies and Friends are invited to play 6-a-side or take part in some Clock Golf — but don’t miss out on the ‘phenomenal’ cricket tea! (Cakes and sandwiches are most welcome).

Remember a chilled white to add a little something to the proceedings.
Contact….Douglas Sewell (01435 830304)

Correction to post – Dallington Parish Council, Vacancy for a Councillor

This is a correction to the post I published on 07.06.19 – click on the link below to see it.
Stella did not resign from Dallington Parish Council, she told the Members she was not standing for re-election on 02.05.19 due to other commitments.
We will miss her and wish her well (especially with her beloved horses).
Irene – Parish Clerk


ESCC Highways/B2096 Safety Issues

Dallington Parish Council recently had a meeting with ESCC Highways about the safety issues on the B2096, particularly the Carricks Hill/Earlsdown area and the exit from Bakers Lane.
ESCC Highways reply was disappointing – many suggestions (double white lines on Carricks Hill are out of the question), but there is no firm commitment or dates for improvements.
DPC will continue to campaign vigorously for these improvements
Click on the link below to see the reply from ESCC Highways.
B2096 ESCC Highways

Election of Parish Councillors for Dallington

As previously posted, Dallington will have an uncontested election for parish councillors on 02.05.19.

There are 5 candidate places available and 4 candidates applied for nomination.  These are Nikki Holyoake, Wendy Miers, Pauline Ridley and Trish Wilson.

Stella Bellem has stepped down, she will be missed, but is continuing to do other work for the Dallington community.  With one vacancy, we will shortly be advertising to co-opt another Dallington Parish Councillor.

Click here to see the official notice from the Rother Returning Officer.
Irene – Parish Clerk