Please click on the link below to see the agenda for the Dallington Parish Council planning meeting on 18.08.20, to start at 7.00pm.
Please note that this meeting will take place at Dallington Recreation Ground.
A community website for the residents of Dallington in East Sussex
Please click on the link below to see the agenda for the Dallington Parish Council planning meeting on 18.08.20, to start at 7.00pm.
Please note that this meeting will take place at Dallington Recreation Ground.
Please click on the link below to see the agenda for the Dallington Parish Council meeting on 28.07.20, to start at 7.00pm in Dallington Village Hall.
[Posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy]
Taken by my colleague last night as we observed the comet from the Sugar Loaf Field
Dallington Parish Council are holding an Extraordinary Council meeting on 24.06.20 at 7.00pm at DALLINGTON RECREATION GROUND.
This meeting is to sign-off the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019-20.
Strict social distancing and hygiene rules will apply.
Click on the link below to see the agenda.
Due to the current situation with Corona Virus, regretfully Dallington Parish Council are cancelling the Parish Assembly that was due to be held on 21.04.20.
Very shortly I will be publishing information and help on Corona Virus, particularly how we can all help and look out for each other in this emergency.
Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414
[email protected]
Please click on the links below to see the agenda and supporting documents for the DPC meeting on 17.03.20 – to start at 7.00pm in Dallington Village Hall.
Budget Monitor 29.02.20
DPC Bank Reconciliation 29.02.20
DRG Bank Reconciliation 29.02.20
Come along and join us on Tuesday 21.04.20 at the Dallington Parish Assembly 2020, enjoy a glass of wine with us and meet the people from our Dallington organisations, find out what they are doing and meeting up with friends and neighbours.
The Assembly starts at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, it is not a parish council meeting, it’s very friendly and informal and a great chance for us all to get together.
Please come back to me, Irene (Parish Clerk) if you need any further information.
01424 838414 – [email protected]
Click on the link below to see the Dallington Recreation Ground booking calendar for 2020 at 15.01.20. This will be updated as required during the year.
DRG Booking Calendar 2020 at 15.01.20
Click on the links below to see the agenda and supporting documents for the Dallington Parish Council meeting on 21.01.20, to start at in Dallington Village Hall.
Budget Monitor
DPC Bank Reconciliation
DRG Bank Reconciliation
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the Dallington Parish Council Planning Meeting on 17.12.19. To start at 7.00pm in Dallington Village Hall.