Dallington Planning Application – RR/2019/2199/P

Planning application for Dallington.
Swan Farm, Woods Corner – partial demolition and partial conversion of existing agricultural buildings and construction of two detached dwellings with associated parking.
Click on the link below for full details

This planning application will be on the agenda at the Dallington Parish Council planning meeting on 15.10.19 – agenda to follow.





DPC – Vacancy for a Councillor

Trish Wilson has resigned from Dallington Parish Council and she will be very much missed.  We all wish her well with other commitments.
There is, therefore, a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, so if you are interested, please contact me (Irene – Parish Clerk) on [email protected] or talk to Wendy Miers (Chairman).
The official Vacancy for a Councillor Notice can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Casual Vacancy Notice 24.09.19

No Dallington Recreation Ground meeting on 17.09.19

Apologies, but there will not be a Dallington Recreation Ground meeting at the Village Hall on 17.09.19 as previously published.
I can only put this down as yet another senior moment!
We had a DRG meeting in March 2019 and will have another in March 2020.
There will be a full MPC meeting on 17.09.19, to start at 7.00pm and full details are available on a previous post, just go to the link below.

Wonderful photos from “Old Dallington”

A lady who recently bought a copy of our book – 6 Miles from Everywhere – has kindly sent me some photos of times gone by.
Her great-grandfather was Angus Henderson who was the local policeman in Dallington – very handsome man.
The little boy in the photograph on page 22 of the book is Robert Henderson, son of Angus and one little girl, possibly both are his sisters.

Angus and Harriet Henderson
Angus Henderson and daughter Catherine outside Graylings
Angus Henderson with children Rena and Robert
Winnie Henderson’s book prize from Dallington School

Correction to post – Dallington Parish Council, Vacancy for a Councillor

This is a correction to the post I published on 07.06.19 – click on the link below to see it.
Stella did not resign from Dallington Parish Council, she told the Members she was not standing for re-election on 02.05.19 due to other commitments.
We will miss her and wish her well (especially with her beloved horses).
Irene – Parish Clerk