April 2019 Parish news

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)
St Giles Church
Services in April

  • Sunday  7th April        11 am.       Service of The Word
  • Sunday 14th              6.30 pm.      Evensong
  • Sunday 21st.              11 am.           Easter Sunday Holy Communion
  • Sunday 28th.            9.30am.       Holy Communion

The World Day of Prayer service was held at Dallington on Friday March 1st. As well as members of the congregations in our benefice we were joined by friends from Heathfield. The service, which had been prepared by the women of Slovenia, was very thought-provoking, and the title, “Come, everything is ready”, welcomed and included all present.

History Group: the last two meetings of this Spring will be:
Wednesday April 10th  Jenny Stiles will talk about Dallington after 1066.
Wednesday April 24th Douglas Sewell (postponed from March) on Dallington’s war graves
Both meetings in the Old School from 7 for 7.30pm

Flower Club Angela has written a note about the Flower Club:
I am very sorry to say that, reluctantly, it has been decided to finish the monthly meetings. This is mainly due to the lack of support and interest. Looking back, we have learned a great deal and had many happy afternoons. I think it began some 8 or 9 years ago when Dorothy Messer approached Pam Fuller with the idea of starting a flower-arranging group locally. We have made large and miniature arrangements, used a kitchen utensil and a dustpan, made Harvest and Christmas wreaths, joined in with a couple of Flower-Festivals and learned to make Christmas arrangements to use at home. I also remember trying to make crepe-paper poppies, daffodils and anemones. How hopeless we were. Pam used to tell us that the Brownies she taught were much less awkward than us! Many thanks to Pam for all her help and enthusiasm over many happy Thursday afternoons.  Angela.

Dallington WI. At our February meeting we had the pleasure of listening to our neighbour, Robin Taylor, talking about the life and work of Elizabeth Bishop, a poet of whom he is very knowledgeable. We very much enjoyed hearing Robin share his interest.
In April we look forward to a return visit from Chris McCooey, with his talk entitled, ‘News from the Home Front’. The April meeting will be in the Old School Village Hall at 7.30pm on April 18th.
Please note the summer evening time and do not get caught out by arriving in the afternoon. Visitors are always very welcome.

Library Cafe As usual the Library Cafe is open in the Old School village hall every Monday (except Easter Monday) from 2-4. The monthly Saturday morning openings are April 6th and May 4th 10-12. We will be including a sales table for plants and produce in all Saturday sessions throughout the season – please bring along any spare plants, seeds and garden produce to swap or sell

St Giles Churchyard closed for retiling works Friday 1st February

(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)

This coming Friday 1st February, there will be men in the churchyard replacing tiles on the roof. The churchyard will be closed for about 2 hours around lunchtime. This is to protect both the workmen and the public from any accident or mishap. Diana will be putting up “men at work” signs and will be around to redirect any visitors.

Looking for volunteer tree surveyors

The Woodland Trust is looking for volunteers to take part in the Observatree project which aims to protect the UK’s trees, woods and forests from new pests and diseases.

Volunteers receive training to enable them to correctly identify signs and symptoms of Observatree’s 22 priority pests and diseases as well as carry out effective site surveys

if you are interested, you can find out more at https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer-with-us/opportunities/tree-health-surveyor-various-locations/

Sheep killed by dog(s) in Dallington

A farmer with land close to Dallington Forest has just informed us that a dog or dogs have killed two ewes, that a further lamb was missing and other ewes had bite marks and injuries. The whole flock has been traumatised.

The dead ewes were found yesterday [Thursday 24th May] but it isn’t known when the attack occurred – it would have been between an inspection the day before and yesterday afternoon.

A number of owners let their dogs run free in Dallington Forest and on a number of occasions this Spring have been seen running around on this piece of land. But, as the attack wasn’t witnessed, it’s not known if the dog(s) came from that direction.

Naturally, a close watch has been mounted of this flock as dogs getting a taste for sheep-killing tend to return.

Particularly at this time of the year owners need to keep their dogs under close control.

Dog owners should note that farmers are within their rights to shoot any dogs found worrying sheep.

Archive for the ‘Dallington Bellringers’ Category

Archive for the ‘Dallington Bellringers’ Category

A Quarter Peal with half muffled bells was rung at St Giles Church Dallington on Wednesday evening 8th October to give thanks for the life of the Reverend Lord John Wrenbury, who died peacefully at home on 27th September 2014, aged 87 years. Funeral Service to be held at St Giles’ Church, Dallington on Saturday 11th October at 2.30 p.m. No flowers please, but donations, if desired, payable to Dallington PCC, for St Giles’ Church, may be sent c/o C. Waterhouse & Sons, High Street, Burwash, TN19 7ET. Tel: 01435 882219.

Dallington Bellringers

dallingtonchurch small
If you are lucky enough to live within earshot of St Giles Church, you can enjoy the wonderful sounds of the bells drifting out over the village on practice nights (Mondays at 7.00pm) or when the bells are rung for services.

For everyone else here is just a small sample recorded outside the church on Monday August 17th 2009.

To find out more about joining the Bellringers, contact John Steel on 01435 830811.  For news and updates about the group, please click this link


Archive for the ‘D.A.D.S’ Category

Next DADS Production!




You are invited to come right into the comfortable, but untidy home of the charmingly eccentric Bliss family. Judith, the mother, is a retired stage actress for whom all the world is, indeed a stage; David, the father, is a novelist. Their grown children, Simon and Sorel, live at home with them. As the play opens, Simon and Sorel are dallying in the living room, exchanging insults about mutual friends ………………………
Can the ending really be that insulting to their guests?????????


Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society (DADS)

Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society (DADS)

The Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society has been running for many years, putting on at least one performance a year at the Old School in The Street. For notices about recent and forthcoming productions, please click this link.

The stage was specially designed to be portable, and some clever & attractive sets have been conceived as you can see from this photograph from a recent production.

As a small society, with a membership of around 30, we have gained a good reputation over the years, drawing a supportive audience.

Most plays tend to be comedies with the occasional thriller or drama. Productions generally take place in the Autumn, though the programme may include other events open to the public.

Please call Roy Iremonger (01435 830141) if you would like further information. We need actors, non-actors, front of house, back stage – in fact anyone with an interest in drama (or who has friends and family who may be interested), so please give us a call.

Art Club

Art Club

art-club-1The Art Club meets on Monday mornings (10-12) in the Old School in The Street.

We are a sociable group with very varied levels of  experience, ability and confidence, so whether you are a complete beginner or want to develop your existing talents, do come along.

Most sessions include observational drawing and painting with tutor advice and feedback, as well as opportunities to try out different materials and techniques and short optional exercises to develop drawing skills. Everyone is encouraged to work at their own pace so if you already have your own projects, you are welcome to work on these individually while enjoying the friendly company. Tuition is free but we each contribute £3.00 per session to help cover the cost of hall hire – and we take it in turns to bring biscuits…

To find out more, please come along on a Monday or contact Pauline Ridley on 01435 830152 or email p.ridley@brighton.ac.uk