Dallington Parish Assembly 2024

Our 2024 Dallington Parish Assembly was held on 16.04.24, it was well attended and a friendly and enjoyable evening.
The public had the opportunity to ask questions of their County, District and Parish Councillors:
* Complaints about potholes and the general state of our roads.
* Are ESCC Highways using insecticide for weed prevention?
* Why have DPC increased their precept? This is because the Radio Club have ceased to use the recreation ground and their fees are no longer available.  DPC are the sole trustee of the ground and must legally maintain it and the pavilion.  Major work has been/is being done on the pavilion.
Click on the link below to see the reports from County, District and organisations:

DPC Parish Assembly reports 2024

Village Hall Events March 2024

What’s happening in the hall this month?

On Saturday morning 2nd March, our monthly ‘first Saturday’ Library Cafe 10 am – 12 noon. Good company, excellent refreshments and lots of new books added to the collection for you to borrow or buy.

Friday 15th March QUIZ NIGHT 7pm for a 7.15 start

Come and join us for a sociable quiz evening and light refreshments (Please bring your own
drinks.) Tickets £5 in aid of hall repairs. To book tickets in advance or for further information contact Jane on 07766 434847


18th -24th March is Village Halls Week 

The annual campaign to celebrate the contribution England’s 10,000+ village halls make to rural communities. An extra reason to come along to support your local hall.

And of course we have our regular weekly activities: 

Mondays  Art Club 10-12  and Library Café 2-4pm
Thursday evenings Yoga 8-9pm
Friday mornings Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon 


Robertsbridge and  Brightling Repair Cafe 2024 dates

(Posted on behalf of Caroline Hodge)

The Robertsbridge and  Brightling Repair Cafe has now been in existence for almost 2 years and in that time has attracted more than 250 people from as far afield as Pevensey and Sevenoaks – so our fame is spreading far and wide.

 2024 promises more of the same. We will be running 5 sessions this year at Robertsbridge Village Hall (dates below).  As usual the Repair Cafe will be from 9.00am until midday, with the last items being accepted at 11.45am – so get there early!    Items take time to be repaired, so please don’t leave it until the last minute.

Dates for this year are:

    • Saturday 10 February
    • Saturday 20 April
    • Saturday 22 June
    • Saturday 14 September
    • Saturday 9 November

In addition to the repairs,  for the first time we will also be collecting unwanted specs and sunglasses for recycling, as well as old tools that will be refurbished by Tools with a Mission and sent to Africa.   We will also continue to work with Energy Champions who attend our Repair Cafes to give advice about reducing energy bills and saving energy. We hope to see you this year.

Dallington Coronation Celebration – May 2023

There will be a meeting open to all the Dallington community on Saturday 25th February at 10am in Dallington Village Hall.
All Dallington residents will have a chance to let us know what sort of celebration they would like and the start of organisation and arrangements will be made.
Do come along and join us on the 25th, we need to know how you would like to celebrate this momentous occasion – tea and coffee will be available.

Our Winter Solstice Event 2022

Come and join us on this  very special night – the turning of the year – for our 2022 Solstice Celebration on 21st December 2022.
We will all meet up at the Dallington Recreation Ground at 7/7.30pm, enjoy some mulled wine (if you prefer, bring your own), spuds in jackets and sausages.
We will light the beacon and and start to spread the Christmas Cheer.
Irene – Parish Clerk
PS: Druids welcome!


Village Hall Events November 2022

After a very successful quiz night in October, here is the calendar for November:

  • Saturday 5th Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
  • Thursday 24th Christmas Wreath Workshop 10am -12 noon
    Come and make a Christmas Wreath with Frances Gorringe & Pauline Ridley. Materials will be provided, but please bring any decorations you would like to include. £5 per head – proceeds to village hall.

In addition our regular weekly activities continue as follows:

  • Mondays     Art Club 10am -12noon;   Library Cafe 2pm-4pm
  • Thursdays  Yoga class 8-9pm
  • Fridays        Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/village-hall-booking/

And to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/billiard-room-booking-page/

Friday’s Messenger Party (&AGM) starts at 7pm

Cover of Messenger MagazinePlease note that the Messenger Magazine Party will start at 7:00 pm this Friday 30 September 2022. This is a correction to the start time in the previous announcement on this web site. The meeting is in Brightling Village Hall. 

ALL readers of the Messenger Magazine are warmly invited. 
There will be FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and soft) and nibbles. This is primarily a social occasion – an opportunity to have a relaxing chat with neighbours and others in Brighling, Dallington, Mountfield, Netherfield. It is also our AGM (annual General Meeting) so there will be some brief formalities (very brief, we promise!) including electing the committee that runs the magazine between parties (sorry, AGMs), and an opportunity to discuss the magazine if you want, and perhaps make suggestions for making it even better.The committee hopes that as many people as possible will come. It’s an opportunity to show your support for the magazine (if you like it) or tell us what’s wrong (if you dont like it!) – or just a relaxing evening with a glass of wine or something. See you on Friday.