December 2019 Services & News

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Church services in December

Sunday  1st             11am                 Service of The Word
8th                            6.30pm            Evensong
15th                           11am                 Holy Communion
22nd                       6.30pm             Lessons and Carols
24th                       11.30pm     Christmas Holy  Communion
29th.                      11am.               Service of The Word
After the carol service there will be coffee and mulled wine and mince pies. The repaired heating in the church is working very effectively. One rather imagines that for years we have been heating the space under the foundations and now the heat is being directed inside. The disruption in the vestry made it a very good time to clean and paint, and a working party, led by John Day, has made a remarkable difference. A new carpet has been laid and now our Treasurer, Douglas Sewell,  is negotiating with our insurers as to the division of fiscal responsibility, or, who pays for what?

The Christmas tree will be brought into the church and decorated on Saturday December 14th. This will be after the school Nativity Service and in time for the children’s Carol Service before they break up.
Everyone is welcome to help on tree-decorating morning. It is always a very jolly time, just arrive between 10.30 and 11ish.

Dallington WI.
By the time this article is published in the magazines the W.I. here in Dallington will have held the Annual Meeting at which it will be wound up. There will be one last Christmas lunch on December 19th, in the Old School Village Hall at 12 for 12.30.

News September 2019

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

September St Giles Church services:
  • September 1st.              11am.             Service of The Word
  • September 8th.            6.30pm.       Evensong
  • September 15th.           11am.            Holy Communion
  • September 22nd.          9.30am.       Holy Communion
  • September 29th.          11am.            Service of The Word
    Dallington WI

    Our August meeting was in the form of a garden visit and cream tea. We chose Merriments because of its proximity and the number of flat paths on which less able members could walk easily. The weather was perfect, the garden looked beautiful and the tea was delicious.A very happy afternoon.
    At our September meeting Brian Freeland will be talking about  ‘Women of The Raj’. Visitors are always very welcome, Thursday September 19th, at 2pm in the Old School Village Hall.

    Old School Village Hall.

    The usual Saturday morning opening of the library/ cafe was somewhat interrupted by a power cut. The power had gone off in phases, starting with the first houses at 8pm on Friday, and everywhere was blacked out by 11pm. It was not restored until Saturday afternoon. Cakes which were in the oven in preparation for the cafe were ruined, so biscuits and cold drinks were on the menu. The Monday and Saturday sessions have been enhanced by the sale of produce and flowers from the school garden, so the lack of hot coffee was more than compensated for by the lovely bunches of sweet-peas.

Also in the village hall: Art Club – every Monday 10-12

Dallington News for August

(From Bobbie Steele)

St Giles Church Services in August
  • Sunday 4th      11am.           Service of The Word
  • Sunday 11th     6.30pm.      Evensong
  • Sunday 18th.      11am.             Holy Communion
  • Sunday  25th.      9.30am.        Holy Communion

The churchyard has been looking very beautiful.  Whilst keeping the grass cut in the main areas Douglas and David have left the wildflowers to the left of the path and  there has been a wonderful show of ox-eye daisies and other lovely flowers.We are very grateful to our two willing volunteers, it is a delight to walk through both of the resting places.

Charlotte and Nick have kindly offered to host an Opera and Supper Evening in aid of church funds. This will take place on Sunday, August 18th. More details from Charlotte.

In July the children will have had their Leavers’ Service in the church. We wish them all a happy holiday and send our good wishes to those who are going on to new schools. We hope they remember their times in St. Giles and the words they heard there.

The Old School Village Hall

The wine tasting evening was great fun and now the  committee are taking a summer break from fundraising, the next event is planned for September. More about that when dates etc. have been confirmed.

Womens Institute

The August meeting of Dallington W.I. will be a garden tea here at Staces. This will be to plan the year ahead. Visitors would be welcome. Thursday August 15th, 2pm at Staces , The Street.

Ringing Remembers

(Posted on behalf on Diana Day)

Over the past few years we have all been thinking about WW1. At Dallington tower we rang to commemorate the 100 years since the Armistice and Peace in 1918, on 11/11/2018.

A ringer from Rainham in Kent designed this badge for all ringers to wear in future years especially on Remembrance Day. We have put our orders in and await the arrival. Diana DayBadge

April 2019 Parish news

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)
St Giles Church
Services in April

  • Sunday  7th April        11 am.       Service of The Word
  • Sunday 14th              6.30 pm.      Evensong
  • Sunday 21st.              11 am.           Easter Sunday Holy Communion
  • Sunday 28th.            9.30am.       Holy Communion

The World Day of Prayer service was held at Dallington on Friday March 1st. As well as members of the congregations in our benefice we were joined by friends from Heathfield. The service, which had been prepared by the women of Slovenia, was very thought-provoking, and the title, “Come, everything is ready”, welcomed and included all present.

History Group: the last two meetings of this Spring will be:
Wednesday April 10th  Jenny Stiles will talk about Dallington after 1066.
Wednesday April 24th Douglas Sewell (postponed from March) on Dallington’s war graves
Both meetings in the Old School from 7 for 7.30pm

Flower Club Angela has written a note about the Flower Club:
I am very sorry to say that, reluctantly, it has been decided to finish the monthly meetings. This is mainly due to the lack of support and interest. Looking back, we have learned a great deal and had many happy afternoons. I think it began some 8 or 9 years ago when Dorothy Messer approached Pam Fuller with the idea of starting a flower-arranging group locally. We have made large and miniature arrangements, used a kitchen utensil and a dustpan, made Harvest and Christmas wreaths, joined in with a couple of Flower-Festivals and learned to make Christmas arrangements to use at home. I also remember trying to make crepe-paper poppies, daffodils and anemones. How hopeless we were. Pam used to tell us that the Brownies she taught were much less awkward than us! Many thanks to Pam for all her help and enthusiasm over many happy Thursday afternoons.  Angela.

Dallington WI. At our February meeting we had the pleasure of listening to our neighbour, Robin Taylor, talking about the life and work of Elizabeth Bishop, a poet of whom he is very knowledgeable. We very much enjoyed hearing Robin share his interest.
In April we look forward to a return visit from Chris McCooey, with his talk entitled, ‘News from the Home Front’. The April meeting will be in the Old School Village Hall at 7.30pm on April 18th.
Please note the summer evening time and do not get caught out by arriving in the afternoon. Visitors are always very welcome.

Library Cafe As usual the Library Cafe is open in the Old School village hall every Monday (except Easter Monday) from 2-4. The monthly Saturday morning openings are April 6th and May 4th 10-12. We will be including a sales table for plants and produce in all Saturday sessions throughout the season – please bring along any spare plants, seeds and garden produce to swap or sell

St Giles Churchyard closed for retiling works Friday 1st February

(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)

This coming Friday 1st February, there will be men in the churchyard replacing tiles on the roof. The churchyard will be closed for about 2 hours around lunchtime. This is to protect both the workmen and the public from any accident or mishap. Diana will be putting up “men at work” signs and will be around to redirect any visitors.

Dallington Commemorates 100th Anniversary of the Armistice

(Posted on behalf of David Wilson)

At 7pm on November 11th, Dallington villagers gathered at the Sugar Loaf Field for the lighting of the beacon to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the Great War.

(Earlier in the day, a Service of Remembrance had been held at St Giles Church, with children placing crosses for each of the Dallington villagers who had died in the war.)

It was a mild dry night with little cloud and a setting crescent moon, allowing the stars and constellations to be seen just as they would have been on the 11th November 1918.

We stood around our beacon which soon gave a good display of flames and sparks and we reflected on the sacrifices of so many men and women both military and civilian on all sides during that conflict.

Other beacons and bonfires could be seen in the distance including Punnett’s Town, Burwash and Firle Beacon. Aircraft overhead would have seen many more as this was a national display of commemoration.

It was supposed to be a war to end all war but sadly this was not to be.

Hopefully on November 11th 2118 when Dallington villagers gather round the now ancient beacon to commemorate the 200th anniversary of World War 1 armistice, they will be living in a peaceful world where all differences are resolved by discussion and compromise; and they will look back with incredulity on the folly of our times!