Report of  Enchanters’ Tales Concert June 2nd 2024

Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel

A magical afternoon for this concert, arranged by Jane Messer, followed by a wonderful tea sitting in the churchyard in the glorious sunshine. The aim of the concert was to recoup some of the cost of the repair to the church roof after burglars stole the lead and broke the tiles. Musicians Declan Hickey and Lizzie Knatt charged reduced rates, as Lizzie is the granddaughter of Pam and John Fuller, because of their long time commitment to St. Giles. As well as a financial success the afternoon was a chance for  the audience to enjoy the exhilarating music by Britten, Purcell, Steenhoven and van Eyck, played on recorders and classical guitar.  After Lizzie and Declan had received well-earned applause we moved on to enjoy a spread of delicious sandwiches and cakes prepared by keen volunteers.  A lovely afternoon with music, tea, friends and sunshine.

Lent Lunch 9th March 12-2

(Posted on behalf of Jane Messer)

Lent Lunch Saturday 9th March 12 -2PM in St Giles Church, Dallington

Image of poster text in postDo join us any time between 12 noon and 2pm. We shall be having a simple bread and homemade soup lunch with something for dessert. You won’t go hungry.

Vegetarians will be catered for but if you have any other special dietary requirements or any other queries please contact Jane on 07766 434847 or email We ask that you make a donation for lunch and there will be a raffle so please bring some cash!
This year we are supporting Family Support Network which helps Sussex families who are  struggling to cope, providing practical and emotional support; and repairs to the church roof

Coffee & Cakes! This Friday and Saturday

(Posted on behalf of Jane Messer)

10-11am Friday 5th January
Coffee at St Giles, Dallington

Come and enjoy coffee and cake ( or tea,  biscuits etc if you prefer) and a catch up with friends as Christmas draws to a close. It’s also your last chance to admire our beautiful Christmas tree before we take it down  (volunteers to help after the coffee very welcome!).

10am -12 noon Saturday 6th January Library Cafe at Dallington Old School.

Another opportunity for coffee, cake and a chat.  And to restock on books or even play a game of snooker.  No need to feel any guilt about the cake. It’s still Christmas! We look forward to seeing you there.

St Giles Services Christmas 2023 & January 2024

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

A reminder of times of services over the Christmas period and into January 2024


  • Sunday 17th           6.30 pm.         Carol Service
  • Sunday 24th.         11.30 pm.        Midnight Mass
  • Sunday 31st.            No service at St. Giles.

    JANUARY 2024

  • Sunday 7th.             11am.                    Service of The Word
  • Sunday 14th.             6.30pm.              Evensong
  • Sunday 21st.            11am.                    Holy Communion
  • Sunday  28th.            9.30am.              Holy Communion

St Giles Services November 2023

Posting on behalf of Bobbie Steel:

  • Sunday 5th.        9.30am. Holy Communion with Bishop Will
  • Sunday 12th        10.50am   Remembrance with Reverend Tony Canon
  • Sunday 19th.        11am.       Holy Communion
  • Sunday 26th.       9.30am.    Holy Communion
  • December 3rd.   11am.  Service of The Word.

Harvest Festival St Giles Sunday 8th October


St Giles Church, Dallington
Harvest Service Sunday 8th October at 6.30pm
All welcome!

You are invited to bring dry goods, tinned food etc for the Hailsham Food Bank if you wish

Following the service, our Harvest Supper in the church Tickets £7 each  (in aid of Family Support Work (FSW) and our Church’s maintenance) To book tickets for the Harvest Supper please contact Jane  on 07766 434847

We shall be decorating the church on Friday 6th Oct 10am-12noon.
If you would like to help, contact Jane for details

St Giles Services August 2023

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

  • Sunday   6th    11am         Service of The Word
  • Sunday  13th    6.30pm.  Evensong
  • Sunday  20th   11am.        Holy Communion
  • Sunday  27th  9.30am.    Holy Communion

St Giles Services June 2023

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel):

Sunday June  4th          11.00 am.        Service of The Word

Sunday June 11th          6.30 pm.          Evensong

Sunday June 18th         11.00 am.        Holy Communion

Sunday June 25th        9.30 am.          Holy Communion

Sunday July 2nd           11.00 am.         Service of The Word.

Report on Coronation celebrations:
At our service following the Coronation we were, as is often the case on ‘big occasions’, without a member of the clergy. Our Churchwarden, Wendy Miers, using material supplied on the internet, produced a service of celebration in which a number of the congregation took part.

After church there was a picnic on the recreation field which had been organised by several residents in conjunction with Dallington Parish Council. Thankfully, and unlike the loyal members of the public who cheered the King and Queen in pouring rain, we were blessed with sunshine.

There were games, cakes and a very clever photo booth tent complete with robes of state, an orb and sceptre and a throne. A lot of thought and imagination which resulted in a happy afternoon of celebration for everyone who joined in the fun.

Coronation bell ringing 6th May

(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)

We will be ringing at 10am on Saturday 6th May 2023 for the Coronation of the King and Queen. We will be 6 in number, our learner making their first public performance and borrowing a ringer from Warbleton, the local band will make a joyful sound.
Diana Day