- 1st 11am Congregation led service
- 8th. 6.30pm Evensong
- 15th 11am. Holy Communion
- 22nd 9.30am. Holy Communion
- 29th 11am Service of The Word.
Category: St Giles
Sunday Bell Ringing
(Posted on behalf of Diana Day) The bell ringers met up last week to see if there was support for some ringing to begin again at St Giles Church, Dallington. I’m pleased to say that we rang on Sunday and hope to ring again in two weeks time. This follows the pattern set before, of ringing for 2nd and 4th Sundays. Practices are not possible at present and will not resume until the Autumn at the earliest. One of the ropes broke and the bell has set itself, so this has to be tipped over, safely. This will probably be done on Wednesday, you will just hear the bell ringing until it stops by itself when fully down. Diana Day
Bell tolling today
(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)
Dallington Bellringers will be tolling a bell today to mark the Duke of Edinburgh’s death and again on the day of the funeral.
St Giles Services Christmas 2020 -January 2021
Christmas 2020
- December 24th 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion
- Christmas morning 11am Carols in the churchyard.
(Mulled wine. Please observe social distancing) - Sunday December 27th No service in St. Giles.
January 2021
- Sunday 3rd 11am Service of The Word
- Sunday 10th 6.30pm Evensong
- Sunday 17th 11am. Holy Communion
- Sunday 24th 9.30am Holy Communion
- Sunday 31st 11am Service of The Word
VJ Day Bell Ringing
[posted on behalf of Diana Day]
Yes a bell rang out over Dallington on Saturday to mark VJ Day, duly rung by David Wilson. We wish we could have rung all 6 bells but that is for the future, hopefully not too far off. Diana Day
Ringers Return
(Posted on behalf of Diana Day)
Ringers Return
No, the Swan Inn has not changed its name, the Bellringers have taken up ringing again at St Giles Church, Dallington. With churches now open and Services occurring, we are chiming the bells on Sundays. We are only allowed to ring for 15 minutes, social distancing restricts us to alternate bells only to sound out. There will be no practice on Mondays for the foreseeable future, no visiting bands, but it’s a start. Diana Day
March 2020 events in Dallington
(from Bobbie Steel)
- St Giles Church services in March
- Sunday March 1st 11am. Service of The Word
- Sunday March 8th. 6.30pm. Evensong
- Sunday March 15th 11am. Holy Communion
- Sunday March 22nd 9.30am. Holy Communion
- Sunday March 29th. 11am. Service of The Word
- Library Cafe Saturday March 7th from 10-12 and every Monday afternoon from 2-4. Books, refreshments, friendly company.
- Art Club (weekly) Monday mornings from 10-12
- Book Club (monthly) Monday March 9th 4-5pm
- History Group There will be meetings of the History Group on
March 10th (Doug Edworthy on the history of Dallington Forest) and
March 24th (Pauline Ridley on Dallington Reading Room 100 years ago)
All at 7 for 7.30pm in Dallington Old School Village Hall. - Poetry Group (monthly) Monday March 16th 4-5pm
- Villagers Group (monthly) The Dallington Village Group will meet on Thursday March 19th at 7pm in the hall. (Please note the change of time). The subject will be ‘Who’s done that?’
December 2019 Services & News
(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)
Church services in December
Sunday 1st 11am Service of The Word
8th 6.30pm Evensong
15th 11am Holy Communion
22nd 6.30pm Lessons and Carols
24th 11.30pm Christmas Holy Communion
29th. 11am. Service of The Word
After the carol service there will be coffee and mulled wine and mince pies. The repaired heating in the church is working very effectively. One rather imagines that for years we have been heating the space under the foundations and now the heat is being directed inside. The disruption in the vestry made it a very good time to clean and paint, and a working party, led by John Day, has made a remarkable difference. A new carpet has been laid and now our Treasurer, Douglas Sewell, is negotiating with our insurers as to the division of fiscal responsibility, or, who pays for what?
The Christmas tree will be brought into the church and decorated on Saturday December 14th. This will be after the school Nativity Service and in time for the children’s Carol Service before they break up.
Everyone is welcome to help on tree-decorating morning. It is always a very jolly time, just arrive between 10.30 and 11ish.
Dallington WI.
By the time this article is published in the magazines the W.I. here in Dallington will have held the Annual Meeting at which it will be wound up. There will be one last Christmas lunch on December 19th, in the Old School Village Hall at 12 for 12.30.
Church Roof Repairs 23.8.19
(Posted on behalf of Diana Day, Churchwarden)
On Friday 23rd August more repairs to the church roof are to begin. The contractor has set aside all day for this work, so, for your own safety, please do not enter the churchyard. I hope to put up reminder notices on Thursday on or near the gates.
News September 2019
(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)
September St Giles Church services:
- September 1st. 11am. Service of The Word
- September 8th. 6.30pm. Evensong
- September 15th. 11am. Holy Communion
- September 22nd. 9.30am. Holy Communion
- September 29th. 11am. Service of The Word
Dallington WI
Our August meeting was in the form of a garden visit and cream tea. We chose Merriments because of its proximity and the number of flat paths on which less able members could walk easily. The weather was perfect, the garden looked beautiful and the tea was delicious.A very happy afternoon.
At our September meeting Brian Freeland will be talking about ‘Women of The Raj’. Visitors are always very welcome, Thursday September 19th, at 2pm in the Old School Village Hall.Old School Village Hall.
The usual Saturday morning opening of the library/ cafe was somewhat interrupted by a power cut. The power had gone off in phases, starting with the first houses at 8pm on Friday, and everywhere was blacked out by 11pm. It was not restored until Saturday afternoon. Cakes which were in the oven in preparation for the cafe were ruined, so biscuits and cold drinks were on the menu. The Monday and Saturday sessions have been enhanced by the sale of produce and flowers from the school garden, so the lack of hot coffee was more than compensated for by the lovely bunches of sweet-peas.
Also in the village hall: Art Club – every Monday 10-12