RR/2024/1696/P – Byres Cottage, Battle Road (B2096)
Demolish existing detached double garage building. Replace with two-storey residential extension to current main building.
Deadline for comments is 03.01.25
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
Category: Planning
Agenda for Dallington Parish Council meeting on 26.11.24
Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to he held on 26th November 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414
1. Disclosure of interests
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
2. Dispensations
3. Apologies for absence
4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)
5. Open Forum
5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green
5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce
5.3 Chair’s report (DPC) – Councillor W. Miers
5.4 Public Question Time – to receive any concerns or queries on matters on this agenda from members of the public.
6. Dallington Recreation Ground
6.1 To consider the quotes received for repair of post and rail fencing, new gate and infill of hole outside the car park.
6.2 To confirm the date annual Solstice Event and actions to be taken.
6.3 Any other DRG matters for discussion.
7. Consultation: Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
For Members to consider DPC’s response.
8. Consultation: 2025 Budget Consultation for Rother District Council
For Members to consider DPC’s response.
9. ESCC: Urban grass cutting 2024
For Members to consider their response.
10. Defibrillators
The Clerk to update the Members on the current situation. (CLERK)
11. Planning
11.1 Planning application for consideration.
- RR/2024/1766/P – Hop Garden Farm, South Lane
Construction of garden room extension.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
11.2 DPC comments made under Clerk’s delegated authority.
11.3 Any other planning matters for discussion.
12. Enforcement
12.1 One Dallington item on RDC’s most recent enforcement list. ENF/204/24/DAL, Hill View Farm, The Street.
12.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
13. Highways/Rights of Way
To consider any urgent Highways/RoW matters.
14. Finance
14.1 Bank balances at 31.10.24
- DPC deposit account – £13,438.09
- DPC current account – £1,064.34
- DRG current account – £279.77
14.2 To approve the following payments:
- Clerk, salary/HO (Oct/Nov 2024) – £1,080.20
- DRG top up – £500.00
- * Satswana, DPO services 2024-24 – £90.00
- * Godaddy, website security (2 years) – £129.31
- * Mastercard fee – £3.00
- * UT service charge – 5.40
* already paid
14.3 To approve the second quarter accounts at 30.09.24 as presented by the Clerk.
15. Dates of next meetings
- 19.12.24 – full council/planning meeting
- 28.02.25 – full council meeting
Agenda for DPC meeting on 22.10.24
Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to be held on 22nd October 2024, at 7.00pm in Dallington Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414
1. Disclosure of interests
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
2. Dispensations
3. Apologies for absence
4. Open Forum
Public Question Time – to receive any concerns or queries from members of the public in matters on this agenda.
5. Planning
5.1 Planning applications for consideration
- RR/2024/1717/P – Willingford Farm, South Lane
Demolition of existing agricultural buildings, change of use of land to residential and erection of proposed new dwelling with associated parking, amenity and landscaping.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2024/1718/P – The Old Manor, The Street
Conversion of existing double garage and home office with new link to create a self-contained annexe
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2024/1719/L – The Old Manor, The Street
Listed building consent for above application.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
5.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.
6. Enforcement
6.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.
6.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
7. Dates of next meetings
- 19.11.24 – Full Council Meeting
- 10.12.24 – Full Council Meeting/Planning Meeting (provisional)
3 new planning applications for Dallington
RR/2024/1717/P – Willingford Farm, South Lane
Demolition of existing agricultural buildings, change of use of land to residential and erection of proposed new dwelling with associated parking, amenity and landscaping.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2024/1718/P – The Old Manor, The Street
Conversion of existing double garage and home office with new link to create a self-contained annexe.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2024/1719/L – The Old Manor, The Street
Listed building consent for above application.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
We are arranging a planning meeting on 22.10.24, if this is possible, the agenda will be posted shortly.
Agenda for DPC meeting on 17.09.24
Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to be held on 17th September 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414
11th September 2024
1. Disclosure of interests
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
2. Dispensations
3. Apologies for absence
4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)
5. Open Forum
5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green
5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce
5.3 Chair’s report (DPC) – Councillor W. Miers
6. Dallington Recreation Ground
6.1 To consider the quotations obtained by the Chair for a new pedestrian gate, hedge clearing and infill of large “dip” by the car park.
6.2 To discuss any other matters concerning the DRG.
7. Planning
7.1 Planning applications for consideration.
- RR/2024/1238/P – Little Platt, South Lane
Demolition of existing single storey garage/utility room and erection of a two-
storey rear extension, including associated external alterations and landscaping works.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2024/1460/P – Clayton Barn Farm, South Lane
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of barn to hotel (Class C1).
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
7.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.
8. Enforcement
8.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.
8.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
9. Highways/Rights of Way
9.1 The Clerk has reported to ESCC Highways that the triangles at the end of South Lane, the Quoins triangle and the duck pond triangle need cutting.
9.1 Any other highways/RoW matters for discussion.
10. Finance
10.1 Bank balances at 31.08.24
- DPC deposit account – £15,359.50
- DPC current account – £1,697.24
- DRG current account – £23.17
10.2 To approve the following payments:
- Clerk, salary/HO/expenses (Aug/Sep 2024) – £1,092.19
11. Dates of next meetings
- 15.10.24 – full council meeting (provisional)
- 19.11.24 – full council meeting
New planning application for Dallington
RR/2024/1460/P – Clayton Barn Farm, South Lane
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use to hotel (Class C1).
This application will be on the agenda at the DPC meeting on 17.09.24 (agenda to follow shortly).
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
New planning application for Dallington
RR/2024/1238/P – Little Platt, South Lane
Demolition of existing single storey garage/utility room and erection of a two storey rear extension, including associated external alterations and landscaping works.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
This application will be on the agenda at the Dallington Parish Council meeting on 17.09.24.
New planning application for Dallington
RR/2024/1114/P – Rabetts Farm, Battle Road
Alterations and additions to provide additional accommodation.
Deadline for comments – 13.08.24
This application will be on the agenda at the DPC planning meeting on 20.08.24
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
New planning application for Dallington
RR/204/1000/P – Hop Garden Farmhouse, South Lane
Construction of garden room and boot room.
This application will be on the agenda at the Dallington Parish Council Meeting on 16.07.24.
Deadline for comments is 16.07.24
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
Agenda DPC Planning Meeting 18.06.24
Parish Council Members are summoned to a Dallington Parish Council Planning Meeting, to be held on 18th June 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall.
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414/07711 224150
13th June 2024
1. Disclosure of Interests
To receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
2. Dispensations
3. Apologies for absence
4. Open Forum
5. Planning
5.1 Planning application for consideration.
- RR/2024/924/PN2 – Briar Cottage, South Lane
Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed photovoltaic panels on barn roof.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
5.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.
6. Enforcement
6.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.
6.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
7. Dates of next meetings
- 16.07.24 – Full Council Meeting
- 20.08.24 – Planning Meeting (provisional)