Battle Ramblers – Programmes July to September 2023

Please click on the links below to see the Battle Ramblers programme for evening walks and their three month walk programme.
The Ramblers do vital work for our rural communities, checking footpaths, keeping them open and reporting breaches to the ESCC Right of Ways Team.

Battle Ramblers Evening Walks July-September 2023

Battle Ramblers 3 Month Walk Programme July to September 2023

Dallington Recreation Ground – Pavilion Closed

We have had to close the pavilion at the Dallington Recreation Ground due to extensive ceiling damage. We are presently obtaining quotes for repairs and it will be available for use as soon as possible.
For future use of the pavilion and/or car park, please contact me on – [email protected]

Users of the pavilion and car park will be asked to sign a hiring agreement.
The field is still open for residents and visitors.
Irene -Parish Clerk


Full fibre broadband update 01.06.23

This update is from Andrew Wedmore who has been more than helpful in trying to get for those residents, who want it, full fibre broadband.
Engineers were working outside my house (Woods Corner) the other day and having some difficulty running the fibre cable through the pipes as the drains are all blocked with debris.
Irene – Parish ClerkThe following areas are already enabled for full-fibre broadband and the service only needs to be ordered: Darvell Estate, Netherfield, Brightling Road east of Oxley’s Green and the premises between Coldharbour Farm and Pelham Bucks.

Most activity in the week starting 15 May, has been in relation to the network that runs from Cabinet 2, located to the North side of the Church and west of the Village Hall, via the underground duct to just past Avenue Lodge, Bounded by Sugar Loaf Yard, Brightling Down Farm, Little Worge Farm, Perch Hill Farm, Brightling Mine, Sheepshaw Farm and The Banisters, this part of the full fibre network is more complete than other parts of the exchange and may be finished before the other routes.

The week starting 22 May 2023, most activity appears to be between the top of Rectory Hill and the local pole network located either side of Darwell Hole on the B2096. All Connection Block Terminals in this area are now in place with Riverhouses being installed on Friday 26 May. Draw ropes are visible on poles where required, Wall Cottage is barely visible at the base of the pole. Openreach has extended the roadworks date around Darwell Hole until 31 May. They also started to moleplough a new duct down to  Coblye Cottage from the small lay-by on the B2096 located close to Giffords Farm as this was shorter and easier route to upgrade than via Coblye Barn.  They have also been checking out the ducts within Netherfield, hence the appearance of the white arrows, on the B2096.

Openreach has started to paint distance number either side of the arrows on the road pointing towards their other manholes, this is done shortly before they start to drag fibre cables through the ducting, so the cablers know how much cable they will need to pull through.

Please note that all this information is based on observation, not official communications from BT/Openreach. There can be no certainty when or if a particular premises will actually get a full fibre service available.

Strike action next week on Southeastern Railway

Strike action is due to take place on Southeastern on the following days:
* Wednesday 31.05.23
* Friday 02.06.23
* Saturday 03.06.23
In additional, ASLEF will be implementing an overtime bank on 01.06.23.
No services on Wednesday 31.05.23 and Saturday 03.06.23.
Services will not be running on the above dates, for alternative transport options visit Traveline information

* There will be a limited service on Friday 02.06.23 and some routes will be closed – please check before you travel.
* If you are travelling, expect some disruption and plan ahead.
* Trains that are running will be busier and are likely to start later and finish earlier.
* You may be unable to board trains at stations where a limited service is running, especially on the first few trains in the morning.  Queuing systems are in place in some stations to ensure that trains have enough room onboard for customers to join along the route – this is continually under review.
* Only 58 out of 180 stations will be open. No replacement buses will serve stations that are closed. For alternative transport options visit Traveline Information

Online timetables for Friday 02.06.23 will be updated in journey planners this weekend.

Dallington Forest Walk 10.06.23

Dallington Forest Walk

The next Dallington Forest Walk will take place on Saturday 10 June at 10.30am.

This will be a walk of approximately 2 hours through Dallington Forest, guided by our tree warden.  You will learn about the forest’s trees, landscape and history in an enjoyable walk with a small friendly local group.

We ask for a donation of £4 per person for the Dallington Forest Project, which does a huge amount of work to preserve, manage and enhance the area.

Please contact Ed Aronson ([email protected] or 07929 065889) to book a place or to ask any questions.

Southeastern Railway – strike action

I’ve received this email from Southeastern Railway – please take note if you are intending to use their service on 16th and 18th March.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Strike action by the RMT union is due to take place on our network next week on Thursday 16 and Saturday 18 March.

We’re sorry, there will be a limited service running on our network and some routes will be closed. Please only travel if necessary. If you are travelling expect some disruption, plan ahead and check your entire journey.

We’ll be running our normal timetable on the days either side of the strikes, except on Friday 17 March when trains will start later from 07:00.

Journey planners for Thursday 16 and Friday 17 March are now available.

Journey planners for Saturday 18 March will be available on Tuesday 14 March.

If the strike action is cancelled at short notice, we may not be able to switch back to our normal timetable immediately. Rail services are built in complex, interrelated IT systems covering fleet, crew schedules and rosters and so it takes some time to get everything back into place.

Ticketing and refunds

For ticketing and refund information please visit our strike action web page. When trains are running, you travelled and were delayed for 15 minutes or more, you are entitled to Delay Repay compensation

More information

You can find full information and keep up to date on our strike action web pagefollow us on Twitter, or you can sign up to receive service updates.

We’re very sorry for any inconvenience this strike action will cause you