Some of you may be wondering what is going on at the Carricks Hill triange – Morrisons Utilities are working there. They are doing the groundworks for BT Openreach – so maybe some very good news for those in Dallington that have rotten broadband speeds. Morrisons could not confirm exactly what BT Openreach are intending to do. Hopefully it will be a fibre-enabled cabinet! Will let you know if I hear anything more.
Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414
[email protected]
Category: Notices/Information
Citizens Advice Rother District on debt
Citizens Advice Rother District have published some very useful tips on managing debt. Click on the link below for more details.
RDC Citizens Advice Debt
Tree Warden’s Report November 2017
Click on the link below to see the Dallington’s Tree Warden Report – November 2017.
Doug Edworthy is our Tree Warden and there is a lot of very vital and informative information in it.
Tree Warden Report November 20`7
ESCC Wildlife/Meadow Verge Programme 2017-18
Click on the link below to see details of ESCC Highways Wildlife and Meadow Verge Programme for 2017-18.
Will you pay more to support policing in Sussex
Click on the link below to get details and take part in the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner’s consultation for the 2018-19 Police Precept.
This proposes to increase the police element of council tax to sustain policing in Sussex.