Corona Virus update 1 (19.03.20)

Hello everyone, I hope you are keeping well and following Government advice.  Please stay in touch with your friends and neighbours by phone, email, text, WhatsApp, Facebook etc.
If you are able to help out by doing a little shopping, collecting medication etc., can you let me know by email.  Your contact details will not be published on line and will be deleted when the emergency is over.
I went to Tesco at Ravenside (Bexhill) today which was a complete waste of time.  Empty shelves everywhere, not a potato to be seen (or frozen chips), milk, eggs, butter etc.  I won’t even go into toilet rolls!
However, the Netherfield Stores and Post Office is its usual bright and friendly self, they have good stocks and very sensibly are limited the amounts people can buy.  Several kind locals have offered to help them out with deliveries.  Click on the link below for details (they also make great coffee!)
Netherfield Stores and Post Office
I have also heard that Rushlake Green Stores will deliver, but cannot confirm.
Look after yourselves
Irene (Parish Clerk) 01424 838414 email –


December 2019 Services & News

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Church services in December

Sunday  1st             11am                 Service of The Word
8th                            6.30pm            Evensong
15th                           11am                 Holy Communion
22nd                       6.30pm             Lessons and Carols
24th                       11.30pm     Christmas Holy  Communion
29th.                      11am.               Service of The Word
After the carol service there will be coffee and mulled wine and mince pies. The repaired heating in the church is working very effectively. One rather imagines that for years we have been heating the space under the foundations and now the heat is being directed inside. The disruption in the vestry made it a very good time to clean and paint, and a working party, led by John Day, has made a remarkable difference. A new carpet has been laid and now our Treasurer, Douglas Sewell,  is negotiating with our insurers as to the division of fiscal responsibility, or, who pays for what?

The Christmas tree will be brought into the church and decorated on Saturday December 14th. This will be after the school Nativity Service and in time for the children’s Carol Service before they break up.
Everyone is welcome to help on tree-decorating morning. It is always a very jolly time, just arrive between 10.30 and 11ish.

Dallington WI.
By the time this article is published in the magazines the W.I. here in Dallington will have held the Annual Meeting at which it will be wound up. There will be one last Christmas lunch on December 19th, in the Old School Village Hall at 12 for 12.30.

Possible compensation for recent extended power cut

Dallington residents who were affected by the recent extended power cut (from approximately 8.30 pm on Friday 2nd August to 11.30am on Saturday 3rd August) may be eligible for compensation.

Some residents have apparently already received a cheque for £75 but others may need to apply. Details at

or email

Wonderful photos from “Old Dallington”

A lady who recently bought a copy of our book – 6 Miles from Everywhere – has kindly sent me some photos of times gone by.
Her great-grandfather was Angus Henderson who was the local policeman in Dallington – very handsome man.
The little boy in the photograph on page 22 of the book is Robert Henderson, son of Angus and one little girl, possibly both are his sisters.

Angus and Harriet Henderson
Angus Henderson and daughter Catherine outside Graylings
Angus Henderson with children Rena and Robert
Winnie Henderson’s book prize from Dallington School

Netherfield Hill – Road Closure

Netherfield Hill   – temporary road closure at Netherfield Hill – area to be closed is from its junction with the P6950 Beech Farm House to the property known as Club House, a distance of 1.125 metres.  This is for BT Openreach cabling works, starting on 3rd July and ending 4th July.  The working hours are from 0930 to 1530.
Click on the link below for a map and more details.
Netherfield Hill Road Closure