D-Day 80th Anniversary – Dallington Beacon Lighting

The Dallington Beacon was lit at 9.15pm on the evening of 6th June, like all others in the UK.
To honour those who took part on D-Day and to remember those who fell.

Dallington Beacon Lighting – 80th Anniversary of D-Day 6th June 2024
Dallington Beacon Lighting - D-Day 80th Anniversary 6th June 2024
Dallington Beacon Lighting – D-Day 80th Anniversary 6th June 2024
Dallington Beacon Lighting – 80th Anniversary of D-Day 6th Jun 2024

Car selling scams locally

There have been reports of some attempted scams in our area in the last few weeks, involving local residents, quite legitimately, selling their cars via various platforms. Luckily no one fell for this scam, but we understand that it is hard to get rid of said scammers.
If you have any problems, try blocking them on your phones and email, hopefully that may make a difference.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Dallington Parish Assembly 2024 – 16.04.24

The Dallington Parish Assembly 2024 will be held on 16th April in Dallington Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm.
It is not a parish council meeting, but a chance to ask questions/raise concerns to your County and District Councillors, find out what the clubs and organisations in our village have been doing and their future plans.
Also an opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old ones.
It is an informal and friendly occasion and light refreshments will be available.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Irene – Parish Clerk


Agenda for DPC Meeting on 23.01.24


Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to be held on 23rd January 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711 224150


1. Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce

5.3 Chair’s report (DPC) – Councillor W. Miers

6. Approval of the draft revenue budget 2024-25 and setting the precept for 2024-25

6.1 To approve the draft revenue budget for 2024-25.

6.2 To approve the amount of precept for 2024-25.

7. Dallington Recreation Ground

  • Fence badly damaged on left hand side of car park gates.
  • The pavilion ceiling has been repaired.
  • Quotes are needed for foliage clearance behind/around the pavilion.
  • Quotes are needed for cleaning/decoration of the pavilion interior.

8. Rural Community Grants

The consider the information from the working party set up to look at a piece of play equipment for small children at the DRG.

9. East Sussex Local Transport Plan 024-2050

To consider DPC’s response to this consultation.

10. Support for Dark Skies Project

To consider supporting this project (many neighbouring PCs involved), details given in Dallington Tree Warden’s email of 19.11.23

11. Planning

11.1 No planning applications for consideration.

11.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

12. Enforcement

12.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

12.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

13. Highways/Rights of Way

  • The potholes/verge damage issues are still very bad.
  • DPC understand that the repairs to Prinkle Hill are on the ESCC Highways schedule.
  • Any other Highways/RoW matters for discussion.

14. Finance

14.1 Bank balances at 31.12.23

  • DPC deposit account – £14,119.18
  • DPC current account – £254.44
  • DRG current account – £192.54

14.2 To approve the following payments

  • Clerk, salary/HO/backpay (Dec23/Jan24) – £2,077.00
  • *Godaddy, 365 emails renewal (3 years) – £662.26
  • *Godaddy, website security – £79.06
  • *SLCC subscription 2024-25 – £183.00
  • * Beecham Place Management, ceiling repair pavilion – £450.37

*Already paid.

14.3 To approve the 3rd quarter accounts at 31.12.23 as presented by the Clerk.

15. Dates of next meetings

  • 20.02.24 – Planning meeting (provisional)
  • 19.03.24 – DRG meeting (starts 7.00pm)
  • 19.03.24 – Full council meeting

Dallington Parish Council Solstice Event 2023

The annual Dallington Winter Solstice Event will take place at Dallington Recreation Ground on Friday 22nd December 2023, starting at 6.30pm and we will light the beacon at 7.00pm (weather permitting).
There will be refreshments – mulled wine (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, soft drinks, baked potatoes and sausages – yum. Vegetarians will also be catered for.
Come along and join us, meet up with friends and start the Christmas Celebrations off. Children are very welcome.

Free vector christmas vector icons new year decoration illustration of xmas christians

Shoot dates in Purchase Wood, Deer Park, Brightling/Dallington

Message from Doug Edworthy, Tree Warden, Brightling and Dallington parishes:

“Forestry England have let me know of dates when there will be shooting on their land in Purchase Wood, Deer Park.

It’s in the North of the wood but best to avoid on those days, especially going off main tracks.

November 6,9,13, 16,20,23, 27,30
December 4,7,11,14, 18, 28,
January 8,11,15

People with nervous dogs, especially, might want to avoid the wood on those dates.”

Storm Ciaran

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing regarding our preparations for Storm Ciarán, which will come to the UK on Thursday 2nd November.

As you may be aware, UK Power Networks manages the local power lines and substations which distribute electricity to over 8.5m homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.

Storm Ciarán will bring with it strong winds and rain, and an amber alert has been issued by the Met Office.

Our electricity network is built to be resilient but strong winds and heavy rain can bring down branches and trees, damaging overhead power lines. Where this happens we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.

We have organised for additional staff in our contact centre and more engineers on the ground, particularly for Storm Ciarán, to be available to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather.

Both you and your constituents will be able to find regular updates and information about individual power cuts on our website www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk . We will also be posting general updates on @UKPowerNetworks .

Anyone experiencing a power cut should:

  • Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk to view our live power cut map, with details of individual power cuts or to report a power cut
  • Call 105 free of charge to report damage to the network or speak with our customer service team
  • Tweet @UKPowerNetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates

We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.

We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with people of pensionable age, those with a health condition, have children under five living with them, or someone in the household who uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity, as well as those who may be in vulnerable circumstances during a power cut, can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority .

If you would like to share information with your residents about preparing for the storm or registering for the Priority Service Register, you might like to share the following on Twitter or to your local Facebook pages:

As a result of #StormCiarán, heavy rain and high winds are due to arrive on Thurs 2 November. @UKPowerNetworks has extra field engineers and call centre staff on hand to support any customers affected. Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk or call 105 for any issues regarding your electricity supply #ukpnnews

If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,


Michael Horwood

Public Affairs Manager

UK Power Networks

Newington House

237 Southwark Bridge Road

London   SE1 6NP

Email: michael.horwood@ukpowernetworks.co.uk

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Full Fibre Super-fast Broadband now available at Woods Corner

It’s here at last!
Woods Corner, starting at Old Carpenters and Graylings to the last properties on the B2096 (connected to Brightling BT Box 4) now have the opportunity for full fibre super-fast broadband.
To start an installation:
1. Go to https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL
2. Use the Address Checker and submit your address, you will see the following screen.

Screenshot (248)

If your screen shows WBC FTTP – Downstream up to 1000, Upstream up to 200 (second row, left hand column) – you can have full fibre, super-fast broadband.
If you decide to go for it, you will have to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) e.g. btinternet.com, plusnet, Sky, hotmail etc., and let them know you wish this installed.
I need to publicly thank, once again, John Shanks and Andrew Wedmore for all the work and effort they have put into this, about 2 year’s worth!
Irene – Parish Clerk
PS: Sky and BT are installing mine on 11.09.23!