Dallington Events November 2018

St Giles Church services :

  • Sunday  4th November  11am.                Service of The Word
  • Sunday 11th               10.50 for 11 am.     Remembrance Day Service
  • Sunday 18th                        11am.               Holy Communion
  • Sunday 25th                      9.30 am.           Holy Communion
    There will be no services of Holy Communion on Tuesdays at 8.15 am until further notice.

The Dallington Beacon will be lit at the Sugar Loaf Field at 7 pm on Remembrance Sunday 11th November. More information here

Art Club Every Monday 10-12 in The Old School Village Hall. New members welcome – for more information see Art Club page

Flower Club will next meet on November 1st at 2pm in The Old School Village Hall. The subject will be ‘Autumn Glory’. All are invited to a very pleasant afternoon.

Library Cafe Every Monday 2-4 in The Old School Village Hall. All welcome

Dallington WI. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 15th at 2pm. This will be the Annual Meeting at which the officers and committee will be appointed. Another year gone! There is already a full programme of events and speakers planned for the year ahead. Visitors are always very welcome.

August/September Parish Announcements

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steele)

St Giles Church
Sunday  services in September:

  • 2nd          11am.        Service of The Word
  • 9th          6.30pm.    Evensong
  • 16th        11am.         Holy Communion
  • 23rd        9.30am.    Holy Communion
  • 30th         11am.     Service of The Word

On Sunday August 5th we had the pleasure of welcoming the Archdeacon of Hastings, the Ven. Edward Dowler, who led a service of Holy Communion.

An early reminder that we will celebrate the Harvest Festival on Sunday October 14th at 6.30pm., to be followed by Harvest Supper in the church. More information in the October edition, but please make a note of the date in your diaries.
Old School Village Hall: the hall is now open every Monday afternoon from 2-4pm for the “Library Cafe” book exchange. Drop in to browse, borrow or buy books and DVDs, or just enjoy a sociable chat. Tea or coffee and biscuits are served and all are welcome to join these increasingly popular sessions.  We are also planning to run Saturday morning sessions on the first Saturday of each month, starting in September.
Art Club We meet  in the Old School Village Hall every Monday morning from 10-12. A friendly group with varied levels of experience, we welcome new members. Contact Pauline Ridley on 01435 830152 for more information.
Flower Club: a note from Angela: The Flower Club will meet in the Old School Village  Hall on Thursday September 6th at 2pm. Our subject will be  ‘A Nursery Rhyme’. Anyone is welcome to join our friendly group at the huge cost of £3 per session. We learn a little, talk a lot and enjoy a cuppa with lots of laughs!
WI. At our meeting in July we had a welcome return from an excellent Speaker, Chris O’Donoghue, who gave a talk, illustrated with photographs, on Great Dixter. Chris spoke about the house and garden in the time of the Lloyd family and its continuance today in the hands of a trust. In September we look forward to welcoming Paul Green whose talk is entitled ‘ A Step Back in Time’. We will meet in the Old School Village Hall at 2.15pm and visitors are always welcome.

Parish News for April

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Sunday April 1st. Easter Day Holy Communion
April 8th.     Evensong.   6.30pm
April 15th.   Holy Communion. 11am
April 22nd.  Holy Communion.  9.30am
April 29th. Service of The Word.  11am

The names of loved ones for whom Easter lilies have been chosen will be read out at the Easter Sunday service.
Advance notice:  FLOWER FESTIVAL in St. Giles on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

FLOWER CLUB:  This is scheduled to take place on Thursday April 5th in The Old School. The topic will be ‘Summer Sunshine ‘.

LIBRARY: The mobile Library will be in Dallington Street on Tuesday April 20th between 2.20-2.50pm. The service will be very much missed when it is withdrawn.

HISTORY GROUP:  there will be two meetings in April, on
Tuesday 3rd Jenny Stiles will talk on Dallington, on the 17th Douglas Sewell will tell us about ‘Shipwrecks with local connections ‘.   The organisers wish this to be a social event, there is no admission charge but a small contribution towards expenses is welcome.

ART CLUB:  We meet every Monday morning 10am-12 in the Old School. We have recently acquired a large noticeboard so we can display a changing selection of members work. New members welcome – more information at the Art Club page of this site

WI. Due to a variety of causes, mainly illness, our meeting in March was rather poorly attended. We were sitting, rather glumly, in the village hall until Mary D came up with the idea of us going back to her house. A most enjoyable afternoon followed, in fact one member was heard to say that playing Scrabble was better than having a meeting with a Speaker. The very idea!

VILLAGE HALL: such a lot of work is going on and soon there will be a bright new kitchen. A library / book swap is planned, possibly one morning a month when there will be cafe style seating with refreshments. Two large bookcases are waiting to be filled with bestsellers. Watch this space.