Dallington Village Christmas Lunch 15th December

Image of poster - all text in webpageYou are invited to join other local friends and neighbours at the

Dallington Village
Christmas Lunch
Thursday 15th December 2022
12 noon for 12:30(ish)
At Dallington Old School Village Hall

  • Tickets £10 for a 3 course Christmas lunch, including soft drinks & coffee
  • Please bring a Secret Santa gift costing under £2 & your own alcohol if wanted
  • There will be a post box available for your village Christmas cards
  • For tickets and further information (and to specify any dietary requirements or to offer any assistance) please contact Jane Messer before 8th December on 07766 434847 or janepalma2015@gmail.com

If you would like to print out a copy of the flyer to share, please use this link Village Christmas Lunch 2022 flier

New Survey of Plants in Dallington Forest SSSI finds two species missing

(Posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy)

During 2022 a survey of vascular plants was conducted in the beautiful Dallington Forest Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), which straddles the parishes of Brightling and Dallington.

Originally surveyed and designated a SSSI way back in 1953 when regionally and nationally rare species: Wood Fescue, Hay-scented Buckler-fern, Cornish Moneywort, and Ivy-leaved Bellflower were found, there had been no systematic survey or recording since then.

So, funded by the Peter Smith Charitable Trust, this last Spring and Summer three separate surveys were undertaken to discover how many species were still present. The results were interesting in that a total of 48 ancient woodland indicator species were found, but disappointing in that two of the rare species now appear to be extinct in the SSSI.

Visit the Dallington Forest Project website to learn more. The survey report and data can be found at https://dallingtonforest.uk/plants/


St Giles Services December 2022

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Services and other events in St Giles in December 2022

Sunday December 4th.           11am.              Service of The Word
11th.           6.30pm.        Evensong
18th.         6.30 pm.       Carol Service
Christmas Eve         24th.          11.30pm.      Midnight Mass
Sunday January.       1st.             11am.            Service of The Word

There is to be a celebration of Christmas Trees in the church. Local groups and individuals are invited to decorate a tree in any way they choose, to remember loved ones, celebrate a special occasion or simply for the joy of taking part. Wendy Miers will be able to give more information. On Saturday December 17th there will be a coffee morning and it is hoped that lots of visitors will come and enjoy seeing the decorations in the church.
The next day, Sunday December 18th, there will be more hospitality after the Carol Service with mince pies and wine.
The Reverend Marc Lloyd will officiate at the Midnight Service starting at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve.
On January 5th Twelth  Night will be marked with coffee and cakes, followed by a short service after which the Christmas decorations will be taken down.

St Giles November 2022


Sunday.  6th.      11am.                             Service of The Word
13th.    10.50 am for 11am.   Remembrance
20th.   11am.                             Holy Communion
27th.   9.30am.                       Holy Communion

On October 2nd we celebrated Harvest Festival. The Rector, Reverend Marc Lloyd led the service and the church was beautifully dressed with flowers and harvest produce. A good congregation were ready to give thanks and sing the lovely, well-known hymns. And then the music computer started to make the most alarming noise and had to be turned off. Fortunately there were enough voices to sing unaccompanied, “Come, ye thankful people” and
“We plough the fields”.
After the service we shared Harvest supper with neighbours and friends. It was very much enjoyed and I have been asked by a number of those present to thank the cooks. Donations for the Hailsham Food Bank raised a good sum and this has been sent with our love and best wishes.

The hon. Treasurer, Douglas Sewell, having looked after the church finances for a number of years, has given notice of his retirement. We now need to look for someone to fill this post. If anyone would like to know more perhaps they could talk to Douglas who can outline what is involved. 01435 830304.
Bobbie Steel.

Friday’s Messenger Party (&AGM) starts at 7pm

Cover of Messenger MagazinePlease note that the Messenger Magazine Party will start at 7:00 pm this Friday 30 September 2022. This is a correction to the start time in the previous announcement on this web site. The meeting is in Brightling Village Hall. 

ALL readers of the Messenger Magazine are warmly invited. 
There will be FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and soft) and nibbles. This is primarily a social occasion – an opportunity to have a relaxing chat with neighbours and others in Brighling, Dallington, Mountfield, Netherfield. It is also our AGM (annual General Meeting) so there will be some brief formalities (very brief, we promise!) including electing the committee that runs the magazine between parties (sorry, AGMs), and an opportunity to discuss the magazine if you want, and perhaps make suggestions for making it even better.The committee hopes that as many people as possible will come. It’s an opportunity to show your support for the magazine (if you like it) or tell us what’s wrong (if you dont like it!) – or just a relaxing evening with a glass of wine or something. See you on Friday.

Village Hall Events October 2022

  • Saturday 1st   Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
  • Friday 28th Quiz Night 7.00 for a 7.30 start.
    Tickets £5 per head (on the door or book in advance) to include light buffet refreshments. Please bring your own drinks.

In addition our regular weekly activities continue as follows:

  • Mondays     Art Club 10am -12noon;   Library Cafe 2pm-4pm
  • Thursdays  Yoga class 8-9pm
  • Fridays        Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/village-hall-booking/

And to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/billiard-room-booking-page/

St Giles Services October 2022

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

  • Sunday  October 2nd     6.30pm.      Harvest Festival and Supper
    (details below)
  • Sunday  October 9th      6.30pm.     Evensong
  • Sunday  October 16th    11am.           Holy Communion
  • Sunday  October 23rd   9.30am.       Holy Communion
    Sunday  October 30th    11am.           Service of The Word

    The Harvest Festival and Supper will take place on Sunday October 2nd. The service at 6.30pm followed by supper. All are welcome to either or both of these events. It would be very good to have an idea of numbers for the supper, please call Bobbie on 01435 830811. On Saturday 1st there will be a working party, from 10am, to decorate the church for the festival. Everyone, young or a bit older, will be welcomed most warmly. Flower arranging experience or excellence is not required, only willing hands.

Were you a teenager in E. Sussex in the 1960s?

(posting on behalf of Lily Mountford, student at the University of Oxford):

“ I am currently writing a thesis on the experience of teenagers in east Sussex in the 1960s. I am looking for volunteers who are willing to be interviewed about their experience as a teenager in east Sussex in the 1960s. It would only take about an hour of your time, and there is no pressure to have any remarkable stories whatsoever! If anyone would like to participate or have any questions, feel free to email me at lily.mountford@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk . Thank you for taking the time to read this!”