Winter Solstice Event on 21.12.24

Dallington Beacon

Dallington Parish Council will be holding their annual Winter Solstice event on 21.12.24 (the actual date of the Solstice).
All residents are invited to join in at Dallington Recreation Ground. The pavilion will be open at 6.30pm and the beacon lit at 7.0opm.
There will be mulled wine and hot snacks.
We hope you can join us to celebrate the turning of the year.

Brown Garden Bins – New Subscribers

From the Parish Clerk

For new subscribers only:

Rother District Council is offering its Brown Bin service for green waste at half price (£40.50) for the first bin for a period of 6 months until the next annual renewal date of 15th July 2025.  The campaign will run until the end of December, with new subscribers receiving their containers in January/February 2025, depending on when they subscribe and pay. Any second bins will be at the usual price of £66 each.

The campaign started on the 22nd November, see it on MyAlerts and on social media messaging to promote the start date of the 25th November 2024.

Can’t wait? Go to the following:

Don’t forget, the start date is 25th November 2024 and expires on 31st December.

Agenda for Dallington Parish Council meeting on 26.11.24

Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to he held on 26th November 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414

[email protected]


1. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce

5.3 Chair’s report (DPC) – Councillor W. Miers

5.4 Public Question Time – to receive any concerns or queries on matters on this agenda from members of the public.

6. Dallington Recreation Ground

6.1 To consider the quotes received for repair of post and rail fencing, new gate and infill of hole outside the car park.

6.2 To confirm the date annual Solstice Event and actions to be taken.

6.3 Any other DRG matters for discussion.

7. Consultation: Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings

For Members to consider DPC’s response.

8. Consultation: 2025 Budget Consultation for Rother District Council

For Members to consider DPC’s response.

9. ESCC: Urban grass cutting 2024

For Members to consider their response.

10. Defibrillators

The Clerk to update the Members on the current situation. (CLERK)

11. Planning

11.1 Planning application for consideration.

  • RR/2024/1766/P – Hop Garden Farm, South Lane

Construction of garden room extension.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

11.2 DPC comments made under Clerk’s delegated authority.

11.3 Any other planning matters for discussion.

12. Enforcement

12.1 One Dallington item on RDC’s most recent enforcement list. ENF/204/24/DAL, Hill View Farm, The Street.

12.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

13. Highways/Rights of Way

To consider any urgent Highways/RoW matters.

14. Finance

14.1 Bank balances at 31.10.24

  • DPC deposit account – £13,438.09
  • DPC current account – £1,064.34
  • DRG current account – £279.77

14.2 To approve the following payments:

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Oct/Nov 2024) – £1,080.20
  • DRG top up – £500.00
  • * Satswana, DPO services 2024-24 – £90.00
  • * Godaddy, website security (2 years) – £129.31
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * UT service charge – 5.40

* already paid

14.3 To approve the second quarter accounts at 30.09.24 as presented by the Clerk.

15. Dates of next meetings

  • 19.12.24 – full council/planning meeting
  • 28.02.25 – full council meeting

Roadworks – Bluekiln Road and South Lane, Dallington


Bluekiln Road and South Lane, Dallington

Dear Resident,

Balfour Beatty is working in partnership with East Sussex County Council to manage the highways service across East Sussex. As part of this, we will be carrying out works to the drainage system in order to alleviate flooding risk on Bluekiln Road and South Lane, Dallington.

When do they start?

Work will be carried out from Monday 25 November 2024 to Friday 20 December 2024 between 9am and 4pm.

We will inform you of any changes to the dates or times via advanced warning signs on site.

What are we doing?

These works involve improvements to the drainage system on the carriageway to alleviate the risk of flooding.

How will this impact highway users?

The team will be working on both South Lane and Bluekiln Road, as well as the junction connecting the two roads.

Access will be restricted for residents for the duration of these works.

Traffic for South Lane will be diverted via the B2096 and A271, Herrings Rad and vice versa.

Traffic for Bluekiln Road will be diverted via Padgham Lane, Churches Green Lane, Bodle Street Road, Rookery Lane, B2096, South Lane and vice versa.

If you need vehicle access to your property, please discuss this with the team on site. Please bear in mind there will be delays whilst the area is made safe and your vehicle is escorted by site marshalls. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times.

Information for residents and businesses

Parking: If required, we will put out ‘no parking’ signs and cones on the site to advise where parking is restricted. Please avoid parking in these locations as it will delay our works.

Weather: All of these works are subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain may affect the progress of the works.

Properties close to the carriageway may experience a temporary disturbance as this can be a noisy process and those properties may experience flashing lights and reversing sirens.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption this work may cause, however this forms part of our continuing improvement for the East Sussex highway network. Should you have any concerns regarding these works, you can contact us at [email protected].

For information on roadworks and journey planning, visit One.Network. Please follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @esccroads or Facebook @EastSussexHighways for updates. If you would like to know more about East Sussex Highways and what we do, please visit our website

Thank you,

East Sussex Highways

Map of works area and diversion route

A map of a city

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A recycle sign on a white background

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