David Gasson Funeral Arrangements

Email from Jane Oxenford

David’s funeral will be at Brightling Church on Tuesday 4th March 2025 at 11.00am. The Rev Ann-Marie Crosse will conduct the service.
Joanna Coleman has very kindly agreed to provide refreshments and everyone is welcome to come to the Village Hall afterwards.
PLEASE COULD YOU LET ME KNOW IF YOU WILL BE ATTENDING by emailing [email protected] – so Joanna knows the numbers to cater for.

RDC Garden Waste Collection Offer

Dear Resident,

We’re offering a chance for New Subscribers to join our Garden Waste Service now, but have a collection right up until July 14th next year!

That means we’re already offering up to 17 months of service for a single year’s subscription, but in addition to this, you can take up a subscription that covers next year before the price increases – £81 for your first bin, plus £66 for any additional bins you want after that.

Our Valentines Day offer will end at Midnight on Sunday 2nd March, so you have a couple of weeks to decide if you want to take up this offer before we close our subscriptions for this year and re-open them again in April for the 25/26 season.

We hope this offer gives you a chance to manage your garden more easily without having to think about disposing of your waste, giving you peace of mind until Summer 2026!

For more information and to subscribe to the service, please visit our Subscribe to the Garden Waste webpage.

Best wishes,
Rother District Council

Rother District Council, Town Hall, London Rd, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39 3JX
This email was sent as part of the Community Alerts service.

You can Update your preferences or Unsubscribe online.

RIP David Gasson 1949-2025

Many of you will know and remember David, who was born in and lived in Brightling all his life.
When Freddie and I moved to Dallington in 1988, we met David through Brightling and Asburnham Cricket Clubs when Freddie joined.
He became a good friend and would often pop in for a coffee and a chat – I typed up his “Brightling Birds” section for the Messenger for many years.
He was the centre of village life for most of his life and served as Chair of the Brightling Parish Council, he was also a Churchwarden and Member of Brightling PCC for many years.
He was a Trustee of the Brightling Village Trust and took over the running of all the other village charities.
A keen bellringer from childhood and Captain of the Bells from 1999.
He played for Brightling Park Cricket Club from his youth, regularly topping the batting and bowling averages as well as maintaining the cricket ground.
David was the driving force behind Brightling’s annual village litter clean-up and the carol singers at Christmas.
He will be much missed and Freddie and I have lost a good friend.



Warning from Dallington Resident

A Dallington resident sent me this email yesterday, so please be vigilant and keep an eye out.

I have just reported an incident that happened here this morning. I thought it worth sharing due to the increase in criminal activity in the area recently. A black Nissan Navarro PU12 DYS came down to our house, turned around and stopped near the barn, for a good few minutes, before moving off. I did approach and challenge them. They gave a story of being lost having the wrong postcode. When I asked them what address they wanted, neither postcode applied. I have (verbally) reported this to the police and have CCTV images too. I hope this is useful and anyone wanting further info is welcome to contact me via [email protected]

Irene – Parish Clerk

Agenda for the Dallington Parish Council Meeting on 28.01.25

Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council, to be held on 28th January 2025, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414 – [email protected]

23rd January 2025


1. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member considers the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

5.2 District Council report – Councillor C. Pearce

5.3 Public Question Time – to receive any questions or concerns from members of the public on matters on this agenda.

6. Approval of the DPC Draft Revenue Budget 2025-26 and setting the DPC precept for 2025-26

6.1 To approve by resolution the DPC Draft Revenue Budget for 2025-26.

6.2 To approve by resolution to DPC precept for 2025-26.

7. Dallington Recreation Ground

7.1 The Clerk to update Members on the progress of the works to the post and rail fencing, new pedestrian gate and infill of hole at car park entrance. (CLERK)

7.2 There has been some interest from an Astronomy Society for use of the DRG. (CLERK)

8. Booking system at household waste recycling sites

Details of this are included in the ESCC report to Dallington PC (26.11.24) and are attached at the end of this agenda.

9. Devolution/Local Government Reorganisation

For Members to consider the latest update from ESCC and briefly discuss any implications for parish councils.

10. Planning

10.1 Planning applications for consideration

  • RR/2024/1970/P – Larches Cottage, Carricks Hill

Removal of existing soft fruit cage and installation of 4.4KW two rows of 5 x ground-mounted solar PV panels on screw-driven mounting system. Installation of control equipment and 13.5KWh storage battery inside house.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

  • RR/2024/2212/P – Hill View, The Street

Retrospective application for access road to serve agricultural barn approved under reference RR/2022/2027/FN

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

10.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

11. Enforcement

11.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

11.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

12. Highways/Rights of Way

To discuss any urgent Highways/RoW issues.

13. Finance

13.1 Bank balances at 31.12.24

  • DPC deposit account – £9,516.73
  • DPC current account – £2,748.15
  • DRG current account – £727.77

13.2 To approve the following payments:

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Dec24/Jan25), backpay, expenses – £1,320.19
  • *Wel Medical defibb pads x 2 – £152.22
  • *Wel Medical defibb battery x 1 – £279.54
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * UT service charge – £6.00

13.3 To approve the third quarter accounts at 31.12.24 as presented by the Clerk.

14. Dates of next meetings

  • 18.02.25 – Full council meeting (provisional)
  • 18.03.25 – DRG meeting (starts 7.00pm)
  • 18.03.25 – Full council meeting (starts 7.30pm)

ESCC report to Dallington Parish Council on 26th November 2024

County Wide Public Consultation:

Views are being sought on proposals to introduce a booking system at household waste recycling sites across the county. The move could reduce queuing at sites, help save East Sussex County Council as much £50,000 a year and help ensure only residents’ waste is being disposed. The proposals are part of the authority’s work to identify areas where savings can be made to address an expected £55 million funding gap next year.

The proposal would see the introduction of a booking portal on which residents would be able to book a time to visit one of the county’s 10 household waste recycling sites. Residents wiI also be able to book via telephone. As well as helping the county council make much-needed savings, the new system would reduce queuing at busier sites, help stop trade waste being taken to sites and stop people from outside the county using the facilities to which they do not contribute

The consultation opened on Monday, October 28 and will run for eight weeks, dosing on Sunday, December 22. Your views will be taken into account when council makes a decision in February 2025

https://consultation.eastsussex.qov. uk/economy-transport-envinnment/bookinq-system-


ESCC approve plans for the Household Support Fund

Plans for the allocation of funds from the Household Support Fund (HSF) were agreed by the council this month. The Household Support Fund, intended to support those who are struggling with bills and essential costs, was extended last month by central government. East Sussex County Council has been allocated just under £3.9 million over the next six months to support eligible residents

This grant will see continued allocation to a range of needs including food banks and vouchers, providing support to vulnerable families and children, and helping pensioners and disabled people who are at risk of food and fuel poverty. Over recent years the cost-of-living pressures have grown and are now affecting more people and families. The allocation of funds considers the increased financial pressures on all households and partners over the winter period. Consultations with delivery partners will help to ensure the best use of the


Funds will be distributed through a variety of partners, including District and Borough Councils and the voluntary sector, who have helped to administer previous funds. Engaging with the same partners will provide continuity and aid with the effective administration of the fund. More information regarding the Household Support Fund can be found here

More students to ,take steps to success

Pupils from across East Sussex have been selected to join a programme which supports young people as they move from school into work, training and further education.

Between September 2024 and August 2026, the Steps to Success programme will work with 315 current year 10 students to develop personal and career development goals to help them with finding opportunities at the end of year 11

The county council has been awarded over £480,000 for the scheme, which is phase two of a national research programme into supporting young people with their post-16 options. After phase one nine out of ten participating students in East Sussex progressed to sustained post- 16 education, employment or training.

From September, the Phase Two project will work with groups of students who are eligible for free school meals and are either persistently absent from school, or have a special educational need or disability (SEND). Students will receive 1:1 coaching to help develop personal and career development goals.

More information regarding the scheme can be found here

New film pays tribute to foster carers

A new film released this month pays tribute to the unsung heroes of the foster care system, “Everything” highlights the difference one individual can make to the lives of many through fostering. The fictional story played out in the film centres on foster carer Mike and his family

Mike’s wife organises a surprise 60th birthday party for him and invites two of the children they looked after, who are now adults.

The film has been produced by a partnership of councils and children’s trusts across the country to promote local authority fostering. The project is the largest public sector fostering film collaboration to date, with over 100 participants including East Sussex County Council Help and advice is available to county council foster carers, day or night and every foster carer has a dedicated social worker who is locally based in East Sussex. In addition, a 24- hour telephone helpline is available, seven days a week.

More information on fostering with East Sussex County Council is available here and the film can be viewed here

AoDrentices invited to celebrate success

Apprentices from across East Sussex are invited to celebrate their achievements at this year’s graduation ceremony. The evening event will acknowledge the commitment and hard work of local apprentices of all ages and levels, across all sectors,

The East Sussex Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Winter Garden’s Floral Hall in Eastbourne on, 21 November from 6.00pm to 8.0C)pm.

Apprentices who have, or will have, achieved their apprenticeship between 1 November 2023 and 1 November 2024, and live or work in the local authority area of East Sussex, are eligible to graduate and are invited to this year’s event.

The Apprenticeship Graduation Awards acknowledge the contribution of those involved in making apprenticeships a success in East Sussex and will be presented at the ceremony. Former apprentices, businesses that employ apprentices, and training providers who deliver apprenticeships are also invited to join the 2024 graduates and celebrate with them.

More information regarding the event and how to register can be found here

National Highways – A21 Roadworks January-March 2025

Dear Stakeholder

We’ll shortly be carrying out resurfacing works to the A21 between Johns Cross and Westfield Lane.

To carry out these works safely there will be overnight closures to the A21 in both directions from Johns Cross to Westfield lane between the hours of 8pm to 6am weeknights only.

Works will be carried out in two sections to reduce impact to local residents and businesses along the A21.

Section one:

Johns Cross to Sedlescombe Golf Club

  • Monday 3 February to Tuesday 18 March

Section two:

Marley Lane to Westfield Lane

  • Wednesday 19 March to Monday 31 March


Southbound traffic will be diverted onto the A2100, A2690, Mount View Street, Westwood Road, Hastings Road, A259 to rejoin the A21 at Hastings.

Northbound traffic will follow the above diversion in reverse.

Where to find out more 

You can visit, https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-roads/south-east/south-east-maintenance-schemes/  and scroll down to A21 Resurfacing works.

If you have any questions about this work, you can contact National Highways Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 open 24/7, who will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate person, or email: [email protected].

Kind regards

South East Scheme Communications

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National Highways Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 |National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF | https://nationalhighways.co.uk | [email protected]

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