March 2020 events in Dallington

(from Bobbie Steel)

  • St Giles Church services in March
    • Sunday March 1st             11am.            Service of The Word
    • Sunday March  8th.          6.30pm.      Evensong
    • Sunday March 15th          11am.            Holy Communion
    • Sunday March 22nd         9.30am.      Holy Communion
    • Sunday March 29th.         11am.           Service of The Word
  • Library Cafe  Saturday March 7th from 10-12 and every Monday afternoon from 2-4.  Books, refreshments, friendly company.
  • Art Club  (weekly) Monday mornings from 10-12
  • Book Club (monthly) Monday March 9th 4-5pm
  • History Group There will be meetings of the History Group on
    March 10th (Doug Edworthy on the history of Dallington Forest) and
    March 24th (Pauline Ridley on Dallington Reading Room 100 years ago)
    All at 7 for 7.30pm in Dallington Old School Village Hall.
  • Poetry Group (monthly)  Monday March 16th 4-5pm
  • Villagers Group (monthly) The Dallington Village Group will meet on Thursday March 19th at 7pm  in the hall. (Please note the change of time). The subject will be ‘Who’s done that?’