Ultrafast broadband is coming to our area!

Very excited about this.  There has been tremendous work by Brightling and Ashburnham & Penhurst Parish Councils on this issue for a long time and they deserve a massive shout out.

There are many of us in our parishes who get what is not exactly Ultrafast Broadband, although it may well be called that.  I have just tested my broadband (on my laptop) and I get 35.29Mbps download and 6.54Mbps download – not what I would call Ultrafast!

You can check your broadband speed by going to the site below

BT Wholesale Broadband Speed Checker

This offer guarantees Ultrafast and FIBRE TO PREMISES, most of us have fibre to cabinet.  I’ve just pooled my voucher into the scheme and have classed myself as a business (parish clerk to two councils).

I know for a fact that there are graphic designers, architects, draughtspersons etc., who have real problems working from home without Ultrafast broadband (fibre to premises).

Please do read the document below, it will give you full details on how to pool your voucher and IT WON’T COST YOU A PENNY!

Ultrafast broadband full details

To pool your voucher, go to the link below

Click on this link to pool your voucher

Even if you don’t see the benefit of Ultrafast broadband for your particular circumstances – please do pool your voucher into the scheme, it will benefit so many others.

Irene – Parish Clerk