Following on from my previous post about the Tree Preservation Order 432 land at Woods Corner (owner Westridge Construction), see link below –

Click on this link to see the post referred to above

In order that this TPO is confirmed, we are asking you to contact Legal Services for Wealden and Rother District Councils with letters of support.  This must be done by 22nd August 2022.
These letters of support must be made in writing and posted to:
Wealden and Rother District Councils
Joint Legal Service
Town Hall
East Sussex TN39 3JX

It is vital that as many letters of support are received as it is entirely possible that the landowner may object/appeal the TPO.

Letters of support have been sent by Doug Edworthy (Dallington Tree Warden), who has done sterling work on this and Dallington Parish Council, you can see these on the link below.
Please contact me if you need any more information.

Letters of support for TPO432

Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414/07711 224150