Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm

“Woodlands at War: The impact and legacy of WW1 and WW2 on Britain’s Woodlands” talk  by Clive Mayhew 

Talk at Dallington Village Hall, Friday 6th August, 7 pm start. No entrance fee, but donations to cover the cost of refreshments would be welcome.

Description: The substantial contribution made by British woodlands over two world wars has been somewhat overlooked in subsequent histories. This talk looks at those pre-war woodlands,describes the extent of their contribution during these conflicts, and assesses its post war legacy. Continue reading “Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm”

Old School Newsletter & National Village Halls Week 25-29th January

photograph of village hallThis month, Dallington Old School publishes our annual newsletter Old School News January 2021  to coincide with National Village Halls Week .

Organised by ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England), Village Halls Week  is “a national celebration of the 10,000+ village halls which can be found across England, their volunteers and the difference they make to the rural communities they serve” –  this years theme is “Celebrating 100 years of village halls”.  Find out more about NVHW and the programme of events  -sadly all online this year due to Covid restrictions – at https://acre.org.uk/our-work/village-halls-week   You can also follow us on Twitter  (@DallingtonOSVH) to see how we’re joining in.

We also have our own entry in the new Village Halls Domesday Book, which is creating an online record “to demonstrate how important these buildings are, and what is needed to make sure they survive in the future”

Do take a look at our newsletter  Old School News January 2021 FINAL to find out what the Old School Management Committee have been doing behind the scenes to maintain and improve the fabric of the building while we are closed and to implement new procedures so we can re-open safely and confidently when permitted to do so.  We can’t wait to welcome you all back  as soon as possible



Old School Village Hall (update 24.3.10)

(Posted on behalf of Dallington Old School Village Hall Committee):

During the current epidemic we are following advice from the government, the NHS and Action in Rural Sussex. The Hall  & Billiards Room will remain CLOSED for most activities until further notice. We will of course re-open the Old School as soon as it is safe to do so. 

The only exception may be for some essential staff training for careworkers (a key worker category); if so they will be following strict guidelines on social distancing and handwashing to reduce the spread of infection. If you see lights on in the hall, please do not assume it will be open for any other purposes.

For everyone else, please continue to look after yourselves and follow the advice on social distancing and self isolation.  Irene Marchant, Dallington Parish Clerk, is posting regular updates and links to reliable sources on this website. Irene is also coordinating offers and requests for help with shopping, collecting medicines or anything else, so please do get in touch if you need anything or know of anyone who may need some additional support. Follow the link in the top menu for Corona Virus Information and Advice.


Postponed: Local History Group Talk 24th March 2020


The final advertised talk in this year’s series, which was to be Pauline Ridley on “Dallington’s Reading Room 100 years ago: what were they reading and why?” on 24th March, has been POSTPONED in accordance with current NHS guidance to  reduce the risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection by avoiding large group meetings.

We hope to reschedule this talk later this year or in spring 2021

Snooker tournament December 2019


A very successful Snooker Competition took place during the first two weeks of December. Organised by Karen Gillingham, the event raised approximately £150 for the hall, and attracted new and experienced players for a series of entertaining play-offs. The overall winner was John Wyatt, who receives three months free use of the snooker room as well as a trophy. Please call Karen Gillingham on 01435 831563 to enquire about booking the snooker room.

National Village Halls Week & Old School AGM Monday 27th January

Village Halls Week logoIt’s National Village Halls Week – described as “an annual  celebration of rural community spaces and the people whose time and dedication keep them going” (https://acre.org.uk/our-work/village-halls-week.php).  Across the country, village halls are putting on special events and publicising their work on local radio and social media.

To coincide with Village Halls Week,  Dallington Old School has produced its second annual newsletter to let residents know what’s been happening and what we offer.  You can download it from this link.  Old School News January 2020. Print copies are also available in the hall, and we hope to distribute more around the village.

We would also like to encourage you to come along to our Annual General Meeting next Monday 27th January at 4-5pm (straight after the Library Cafe so the hall will still be nice and warm! ). This is a chance to hear reports and plans from the trustees, to share your ideas for using the hall and to elect next year’s committee.

More information about the hall and some of the clubs which meet there at the Village Hall page of this website.

Art Club Christmas Cards for sale

gallery of card designsDallington Art Club members have produced a range of Christmas Cards  for sale in aid of the Old School Village Hall (registered charity 289652).

On sale at the Old School Library Cafe every Monday from 2-4, the cards cost £2.50 per pack of 5 x A6 cards and envelopes, in single designs (see image) or as mixed packs. If we are low on stock, additional packs can be printed to order.

If you are unable to come in during the library cafe opening hours, please email p.ridley@brighton  if you would like to order your choice of cards and support a vital village asset.

Christmas Wreath Workshop 26th November

christmas wreathWe are delighted to announce that Pam Fuller has agreed to run a Christmas Wreath Workshop in the Old School Village Hall on Tuesday 26th November from 10-12 for just £5 per head including refreshments .

Pam will provide some materials such as wreath wire and ribbon, but asks everyone to bring the following items:

  • 3 x 14″ lengths of cupressus (cypress) or other evergreen
  • Ball of green string
  • Things to decorate your wreath with, eg holly, baubles etc