Chair Yoga – book your space

(Posted on behalf of Charlotte Ridley)

Our first Chair Yoga session last Friday was a great success, and the class was almost full.  If you are hoping to come along to future sessions, please note that the maximum capacity for this class is 10 people, so priority will go to those who have pre-booked. Any remaining spaces will work on a first come first served basis. To avoid disappointment please contact Charlotte to book your space – email: [email protected] or text 07367 757124

More details about the class at

Village Hall News update & September 2021 Events

As most of you know, we were finally able to reopen the hall towards the end of July after prolonged closure due to Covid.  Our regular weekly activities – art club and the library café – have resumed and it’s been a joy to see old friends meeting up for the first time in over a year. The monthly Villagers group normally takes place on a Thursday afternoon, but this month hosted an entertaining evening talk open to all, about Vivien Drake, a former Dallington resident with theatrical connections. Another well attended talk took place in August on the wartime history of Dallington Forest and other woodlands, and as you can see we have a full programme lined up for September.

Events in September
(Please note no Art Club or Library Café on Bank Holiday Monday 30th August)

Saturday 4th10-12Library Cafe
Art Club
Monday 6th2-4 Library Cafe
Thursday 9th2-4Villagers Group
Games afternoon
Friday 10th11-12Chair Yoga
New weekly beginners course, starts 10th September More details
Monday13th10-12Art Club
Monday13th2-4Library Cafe
Friday17th11-12Chair Yoga
Friday 17th7-9 QUIZ NIGHT 7pm start
Entry £5 to include refreshments (bring your own wine)
Monday20th10-12Art Club
Monday20th2-4Library Cafe
Friday24th11-12Chair Yoga
Monday27th10-12Art Club
Monday27th2-4Library Cafe

Please note that we are retaining some precautions to keep the hall ‘covid safe’,  including provision of hand sanitiser, extra ventilation and limiting numbers for each event.

In order to encourage more people to come forward with new ideas, the Management Committee have agreed to use some grant money to enable us to waive hall hire fees until the end of the year for groups or one-off events that are of potential interest and benefit to the community as a whole. Please get in touch with the booking secretary Karen Gillingham  on 01435 831563 if you are interested in booking the hall.

Talk Thursday 19th August 2021

“Dallington, Vivien Drake and some of the stars of yesteryear”

Thursday 19th August at 7.00 pm in Dallington Old School Village Hall

Laura Vakil and Tim Lord will be sharing memories, music and stories of Dallington in the postwar years.  Laura’s grandmother Vivien Drake, who lived at Pantons in The Street following a career on the London stage, had numerous theatrical visitors and was an active member of the Dallington Amateur Dramatic Society.  Free entry.  Refreshments available. Everyone welcome.

Art Club starts again Monday 26th July

photo of art club
During school holidays, accompanied children are welcome to join in too.

Happy to report that the Art Club will  re-open this week, having been closed for over a year due to Covid restrictions.

We meet on Monday mornings (10-12) in the Old School village hall in The Street. We are a sociable and informal group with very varied levels of  experience, ability and confidence. So whether you are a complete beginner or want to develop your existing skills, do come along.

Tutorial advice and feedback is available if you want it but everyone is encouraged to work at their own pace and to try out different materials and techniques. If you already have your own projects, you are welcome to work on these individually while enjoying the friendly company.

To find out more, please just come along on a Monday morning or contact Pauline Ridley on 01435 830152 or email

Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm

“Woodlands at War: The impact and legacy of WW1 and WW2 on Britain’s Woodlands” talk  by Clive Mayhew 

Talk at Dallington Village Hall, Friday 6th August, 7 pm start. No entrance fee, but donations to cover the cost of refreshments would be welcome.

Description: The substantial contribution made by British woodlands over two world wars has been somewhat overlooked in subsequent histories. This talk looks at those pre-war woodlands,describes the extent of their contribution during these conflicts, and assesses its post war legacy. Continue reading “Woodlands at War Talk Friday 6th August 7pm”

Old School Newsletter & National Village Halls Week 25-29th January

photograph of village hallThis month, Dallington Old School publishes our annual newsletter Old School News January 2021  to coincide with National Village Halls Week .

Organised by ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England), Village Halls Week  is “a national celebration of the 10,000+ village halls which can be found across England, their volunteers and the difference they make to the rural communities they serve” –  this years theme is “Celebrating 100 years of village halls”.  Find out more about NVHW and the programme of events  -sadly all online this year due to Covid restrictions – at   You can also follow us on Twitter  (@DallingtonOSVH) to see how we’re joining in.

We also have our own entry in the new Village Halls Domesday Book, which is creating an online record “to demonstrate how important these buildings are, and what is needed to make sure they survive in the future”

Do take a look at our newsletter  Old School News January 2021 FINAL to find out what the Old School Management Committee have been doing behind the scenes to maintain and improve the fabric of the building while we are closed and to implement new procedures so we can re-open safely and confidently when permitted to do so.  We can’t wait to welcome you all back  as soon as possible



Old School Village Hall (update 24.3.10)

(Posted on behalf of Dallington Old School Village Hall Committee):

During the current epidemic we are following advice from the government, the NHS and Action in Rural Sussex. The Hall  & Billiards Room will remain CLOSED for most activities until further notice. We will of course re-open the Old School as soon as it is safe to do so. 

The only exception may be for some essential staff training for careworkers (a key worker category); if so they will be following strict guidelines on social distancing and handwashing to reduce the spread of infection. If you see lights on in the hall, please do not assume it will be open for any other purposes.

For everyone else, please continue to look after yourselves and follow the advice on social distancing and self isolation.  Irene Marchant, Dallington Parish Clerk, is posting regular updates and links to reliable sources on this website. Irene is also coordinating offers and requests for help with shopping, collecting medicines or anything else, so please do get in touch if you need anything or know of anyone who may need some additional support. Follow the link in the top menu for Corona Virus Information and Advice.