Dallington Parish Assembly 2020 (21.04.20)

Come along and join us on Tuesday 21.04.20 at the Dallington Parish Assembly 2020, enjoy a glass of wine with us and meet the people from our Dallington organisations, find out what they are doing and meeting up with friends and neighbours.
The Assembly starts at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, it is not a parish council meeting, it’s very friendly and informal and a great chance for us all to get together.
Please come back to me, Irene (Parish Clerk) if you need any further information.
01424 838414 – clerk@dallington.org.uk

DPC – Vacancy for a Councillor

Trish Wilson has resigned from Dallington Parish Council and she will be very much missed.  We all wish her well with other commitments.
There is, therefore, a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, so if you are interested, please contact me (Irene – Parish Clerk) on clerk@dallington.org.uk or talk to Wendy Miers (Chairman).
The official Vacancy for a Councillor Notice can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Casual Vacancy Notice 24.09.19

No Dallington Recreation Ground meeting on 17.09.19

Apologies, but there will not be a Dallington Recreation Ground meeting at the Village Hall on 17.09.19 as previously published.
I can only put this down as yet another senior moment!
We had a DRG meeting in March 2019 and will have another in March 2020.
There will be a full MPC meeting on 17.09.19, to start at 7.00pm and full details are available on a previous post, just go to the link below.