Tree Warden advice about Ash Dieback

(Message posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy, Tree warden for Dallington and Brightling)

In February 2019 the Tree Council published an Action Plan Toolkit concerning Chalara (Ash Dieback disease) primarily aimed at authorities and big landowners.

While the Action Plan Toolkit might not be directly applicable to all parishioners of Brightling and Dallington, there are landholdings in the parishes containing a great number of Ash trees some of which are near to public roads, bridleways and footpaths and may pose a risk when they become infected.

The document also outlines the responsibilities and actions expected of local authorities and so it will provide a useful checklist against which our own local authorities’ performance can be monitored.

Please click on this link to access a summary of information from the ‘Toolkit’ that is relevant or of interest to people of our two parishes. Summary of Tree Council Toolkit

You can also download the full Toolkit here:

Scam Warning! – Fake TV Licensing Emails

An ongoing TV Licensing phishing campaign, first identified by the National Fraud Intelligence Unit (NFIB) in September 2018, continues to be reported to Action Fraud in high numbers.  Fraudsters are sending the public fake TV Licensing emails that are designed to steal their personal and financial information.  Since April 2018, Action Fraud has received over 900 crime reports with victim losses totalling more than £830,000.

How you can protect yourself
1. Don’t click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails and never respond to messages that ask for your personal or financial details.
2. Don’t assume a phone call or email is authentic, even if someone knows your basic details (such as your name and address).  Remember, criminals can spoof phone numbers and emails addresses to appear as companies you know and trust, such as TV Licensing.
3. Your bank will never call and ask you for your PIN, full banking password, or ask you to transfer money out of your account.

What to do if you’ve fallen victim
1. Let your bank know as soon as possible and monitor your bank statements regularly for any unusual activity.
2. If you suspect your identity may have been stolen you can check your credit file quickly and easily on-line.  Use a reputable service provider and follow up on any unexpected or suspicious results.
3. If you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime – report it to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040.

Road Closures – Brightling

I have just been informed of the following road closures in Brightling, for South East Water to carry out water main connections.
This series of closures is over 8 months – from 07.05.19 to 20.12.19!
Click on the link below to see a list of the sequence of closures and diversions.
Road Closures Brightling

Go to the link below to see the area on a map on the ESCC Highways website