Bulb planting at the triangle

Photo of three people trimming and plantingOn a cold and sleety morning four parish councillors (Nicky Holyoake, Jim Gray, Nick Harding and Pauline Ridley)  met up at the triangle at the top of The Street to strim the grass and plant a selection of spring bulbs. We will be carrying out more work  over the next few months and adding more planting  to improve the appearance of the triangle.

Brightling Cafe this weekend

(Posted on behalf of Katrina Blench)
Saturday 27 November 10am-12 noon
Brightling Village Hall

This the last Brightling Cafe of the year. Expect a seasonal flavour with stalls run by local artists and makers offering paintings and cards, pom-poms, gift tags and paper crafts and woven willow bird feeders and wreaths for those special gifts you have been looking for.

There is an advent calendar for one lucky person, help yourself to a secret Santa book and you can make a paper snowflake to take home. There will be mulled apple juice and mince pies with the usual coffee and tea to enjoy.

Judy from Asselton Cakes and Preserves will be selling her homemade cakes, quiches, marmalades and special treats and you can order your Christmas goodies from her too.

It’s not too late to book a table to sell your wares contact katrinablench@hotmail.com


Dallington Village Hall Events December 2021

Events in Dallington Old School Village Hall

  • Every Monday up to & including 20th December
    • Art Club 10-12
    • Library Cafe 2-4pm (in addition to the usual tea and books, Christmas cards designed by the Art Club will be on sale every week)
  • Every Friday up to & including  17th December
    Chair Yoga 11-12 (email charlotte@living-yoga.co.uk )
  • Saturday 4th December (first Saturday of every month)
    Library Cafe 10-12
  • Thursday 9th December 2-4 pm
    Come and make a Christmas Wreath with Frances Gorringe & Pauline Ridley. Materials will be provided, but please bring any decorations you would like to include. £5 per head – proceeds to village hall.
  • Thursday 16th December  12-4pm
    Village Hall Christmas Lunch

    • Soup and French bread
    • Cold meats and quiche with jacket potatoes and salad
    • Selection of desserts
    • Cheese and biscuits
    • Tea and mints
    • Drinks included
      Cost £5 per person Tickets available from Karen Gillingham 01435831563 or Pauline Ridley at the Library Cafe

Winter Solstice Celebration 21st December 2021

The Dallington Winter Solstice Celebration is back!

It will take place on Dallington beacon burning
Tuesday 21st December
at The Sugar Loaf Field (Dallington Recreation Ground) from 7pm for lighting the beacon at 7.30pm.

Refreshments will be provided, including jacket potatoes, mince pies, soft drinks and mulled wine.

For anyone concerned about going into crowded spaces, please be reassured that we will be outside as much as possible. We hope the weather will be kind – but the beacon will be lit whatever the weather!


Dallington St Giles Services December 2021

  • Sunday 5th        11am               Service of The Word
  • Sunday 12th      6.30pm         Evensong
  • Sunday 19th      6.30pm         Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Followed by coffee, mulled wine and mince pies.
  • Friday 24th      11.30pm.        Midnight Holy Communion
  • Sunday 26th    9.30am.         Boxing Day Holy Communion

Village Hall Events November 2021

(Using a different format for listings as the table used for the last two months doesn’t display correctly in email alerts)

We now have a Village Hall Bookings Calendar at https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/village-hall-booking/  where you can see forthcoming events. Here’s a summary:

  • Monday 1st November and every Monday:
    Art Club 10-12 and Library Cafe 2-4pm
  • Friday 5th November and every Friday
    Chair Yoga 11-12 (limited places please email charlotte@living-yoga.co.uk or call 07367 757124)
  • Saturday 6th November (and first Saturday of every month)
    Library Cafe 10-12
  • Tuesday 16th November Parish Council 7.30pm
  • Thursday 18th November Villagers Group 2-4pm

St Giles Services November 2021

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Sunday 7th       11am.            Service of The Word

Sunday 14th      10.50 for 11am.  Remembrance

Sunday  21st       11am.      Holy Communion

Sunday  28th       9.30am.   Holy Communion .

Brightling Cafe this Saturday

We’ve been asked to pass on this notice about the Brightling Cafe on Saturday 30 October 10am-12 noon, at Brightling Village Hall.
Judy from Asselton Cakes & Preserves will be selling her homemade cakes, quiches and marmalades. Treat yourself to coffee or perhaps a Halloween hot chocolate with marshmallows and a slice of cake, then try your hand at pumpkin bowling. Bring a pumpkin or borrow one of ours … there will be wine for the winner.
And for children some biscuit decorating – make them really scary then eat them!

If you have any surplus produce for the MAD (Made And Donated) community table or have anything you want to sell bring it along on the morning – no charge to sell (no cakes please – Judy’s sells those).

Village Hall Events October 2021

Dallington Old School Events October 2021

Saturday 2nd10-12Library Cafe
Art Club
Monday 4th2-4 Library Cafe
Thursday 7th7pmDallington Old School AGM
Friday 8th11-12Chair Yoga
Monday11th10-12Art Club
Monday11th2-4Library Cafe
Tuesday12th1.30-3.30(Private booking)
Friday15th11-12Chair Yoga
Friday15th12.30-5.30(Private booking)
Monday18th10-12Art Club
Monday18th2-4pmLibrary Cafe
Tuesday19th7.30pmDPC Planning meeting
Thursday21st2-4Villagers Group
Monday25th10-12Art Club
Monday25th2-4Library Cafe

Harvest Supper 3rd October 2021

The Harvest Supper will follow the Harvest Service at St Giles and will start at about 7.30. All are welcome.

In order to give some idea of the numbers for supper please contact Jane Messer on 01435 830581 or email janepalma2015@gmail.com

Contributions of dried/tinned food for the Hailsham Food Bank will be welcomed.