Agenda for DPC Meeting on 23.01.24


Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Dallington Parish Council to be held on 23rd January 2024, at 7.30pm in Dallington Village Hall

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711 224150

1. Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce

5.3 Chair’s report (DPC) – Councillor W. Miers

6. Approval of the draft revenue budget 2024-25 and setting the precept for 2024-25

6.1 To approve the draft revenue budget for 2024-25.

6.2 To approve the amount of precept for 2024-25.

7. Dallington Recreation Ground

  • Fence badly damaged on left hand side of car park gates.
  • The pavilion ceiling has been repaired.
  • Quotes are needed for foliage clearance behind/around the pavilion.
  • Quotes are needed for cleaning/decoration of the pavilion interior.

8. Rural Community Grants

The consider the information from the working party set up to look at a piece of play equipment for small children at the DRG.

9. East Sussex Local Transport Plan 024-2050

To consider DPC’s response to this consultation.

10. Support for Dark Skies Project

To consider supporting this project (many neighbouring PCs involved), details given in Dallington Tree Warden’s email of 19.11.23

11. Planning

11.1 No planning applications for consideration.

11.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

12. Enforcement

12.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

12.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

13. Highways/Rights of Way

  • The potholes/verge damage issues are still very bad.
  • DPC understand that the repairs to Prinkle Hill are on the ESCC Highways schedule.
  • Any other Highways/RoW matters for discussion.

14. Finance

14.1 Bank balances at 31.12.23

  • DPC deposit account – £14,119.18
  • DPC current account – £254.44
  • DRG current account – £192.54

14.2 To approve the following payments

  • Clerk, salary/HO/backpay (Dec23/Jan24) – £2,077.00
  • *Godaddy, 365 emails renewal (3 years) – £662.26
  • *Godaddy, website security – £79.06
  • *SLCC subscription 2024-25 – £183.00
  • * Beecham Place Management, ceiling repair pavilion – £450.37

*Already paid.

14.3 To approve the 3rd quarter accounts at 31.12.23 as presented by the Clerk.

15. Dates of next meetings

  • 20.02.24 – Planning meeting (provisional)
  • 19.03.24 – DRG meeting (starts 7.00pm)
  • 19.03.24 – Full council meeting