Dallington Events in May 2023

Due to this month’s  Coronation events, there will be NO Library Cafe in the village hall on the following dates:

    • Monday 1st May (May Bank Holiday)
    • Saturday 6th May (Coronation Day) or
    • Monday 8th May (extra Coronation Bank Holiday)

 However, we hope as many villagers as possible will bring a picnic and join in the Coronation Big Lunch with others from our local community at the Sugarloaf Field (Dallington Recreation Ground) on
Sunday 7th May.   More details at https://dallington.org.uk/coronation-big-lunch-picnic-sunday-7th-may/


Local Elections Thursday 4th May As usual the village hall will be used as the Polling Station for this year’s local elections. Don’t forget that from now on you’ll need to show photo ID when voting in person.  Check the list of acceptable forms of ID at the Government website to make sure that you have what you need.  https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need . The first Dallington Parish Council after these elections will take place in the village hall on Tuesday 23rd May. See the main DPC page at https://dallington.org.uk/parish-council/and sign up for email alerts so you don’t miss future announcements.

For the rest of the month,  regular activities in the village hall will continue as follows:

  • Mondays  (except 1st & 8th May)
    Art Club 10am -12noon;   Library Cafe 2pm-4pm
  • Thursdays (except 4th May)   Yoga class 8-9pm
  • Fridays        Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/village-hall-booking/

And to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/billiard-room-booking-page/

Village Hall Events in April 2023 (and reminder Quiz Night 17th March)

REMINDER Friday 17th March Quiz Night

    • 7.00pm onwards for a 7.30 prompt start.
    • £5 per head to include buffet supper; please bring your own drinks
    • All welcome – bring your own team (max 6) or join in with others on the night
    • Prizes for the winning team and raffle draw during the interval

Village Hall Events in April

  • Saturday 1st April Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
    And our regular weekly activities:
    • Monday 3rd April (and every Monday)
      • Art Club 10-12
      • Library Café 2-4pm
    • Thursday evenings Beginners Yoga 8-9pm
    • Friday mornings Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon 
      For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to our Main Hall Bookings Page  and to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to the Billiard Room page

Village Hall News & Events March 2023


photo of window box showing spring bulbs
New spring bulbs in the planters outside the hall

At last week’s Village Hall AGM, all members of the current committee were re-elected. We are delighted that they are all willing to continue but we still have spaces and would warmly welcome new members and/or volunteers to help with various regular small tasks to keep this community space available to all residents. You can find out more in our newsletter published last month.

We are also very pleased to announce that we are one of 37 halls taking part in Rother District Council’s Village Halls Energy Project.  Each hall will have a free energy assessment followed by recommendations for ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint – vital to help cope with rising prices. Although some potential actions may be limited by our listed building status, it will provide us with a useful basis for future planning. Find out more about the Village Halls Energy project at their web page Village Halls Energy Project – Rother District Council

Events in March

  • Saturday 4th March Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
  • Friday 17th March Quiz Night 7.00pm onwards for a 7.30 prompt start.
    • £5 per head to include buffet supper; please bring your own drinks
    • All welcome – bring your own team (max 6) or join in with others on the night
    • Prizes for the winning team and raffle draw during the interval

And our regular weekly activities:

  • Monday 6th March (and every Monday)
    • Art Club 10-12
    • Library Café 2-4pm
  • Thursday evenings Beginners Yoga 8-9pm
  • Friday mornings Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon 
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to our Main Hall Bookings Page  and to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to the Billiard Room page

Village Hall News February 2023

Our annual newsletter is published to coincide with Village Halls Week (January 23th -29th) –  a national campaign by Action with Communities in Rural England highlighting the  contribution that England’s 10,000+ village halls make to rural communities. This year’s focus is on the way that village halls can provide warm, welcoming and inclusive spaces – something that Dallington Old School Village Hall aims to do every week with the community Library Café as well as our other activities. You can view the newsletter here  Old School News January 2023 PDF FINAL to find out more about how the hall is run, what we can offer and how local residents can support this community space.

In particular, you are  warmly invited to the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 15th February at 7.00 to hear what’s been going on and let us know what else you’d like to see happening at the hall.

Other events in February:

  • Saturday 4th February Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
  • Wednesday 15th  Village Hall AGM All welcome
  • Friday 10th 2.30- 4.30 Beetle Drive

And our regular weekly activities:

  • Monday 6th February (and every Monday)
    • Art Club 10-12
    • Library Café 2-4pm
  • Thursday  9th and 23rd Beginners Yoga 8-9pm  (note half term break)
  • Friday 10th and 24th  Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon (note half term break)
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to our Main Hall Bookings Page  and  to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to the Billiard Room page

Events in Dallington over the next few days

(Posted on behalf of Jane Messer)

Are you feeling at a loose end after the excitement of Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Grey skies getting you down? All the more reason to come and join your fellow villagers for this week’s events (and if you know someone who’s on their own or doesn’t see online alerts, do encourage them to come along too.)  There will be plenty more going on in Dallington in 2023 so keep an eye out for future announcements.

  • On Friday 6th January: 
    It’s your last chance to see our lovely Christmas tree festival in St Giles Church. Join us for coffee and home made cake or other refreshments from 10am, followed by a short service celebrating Epiphany – the visit of the wise men to Jesus. (And afterwards, any volunteers to help dismantle the Christmas decorations in the church would be gratefully received).

Please note that the date given in the parish magazine and Messenger (Thursday 5th January) is incorrect. Our apologies if this causes you a diary clash but we hope to see you on Friday.

  • On Saturday 7th January: 
    Library Café from 10am to 12 noon in the Old School Village Hall. Do bring any books that you no longer wish to keep and browse our bookshelves for replacements, or just have a chat with neighbours over tea, coffee and homemade cake or other refreshments.

It’s the 150th anniversary this month of the opening of the hall extension, now the Billiard Room, so you can also  take part in a free competition to see how many balls you can pot in 10 minutes (no previous experience needed!)

  • Sunday 9th January:
    6.30pm Evensong in St Giles Church
  • Monday 11th January (and every Monday)
    Art Club 10-12, Old School Village Hall
    Library Café 2-4pm, Old School Village Hall

Dallington Village Christmas Lunch 15th December

Image of poster - all text in webpageYou are invited to join other local friends and neighbours at the

Dallington Village
Christmas Lunch
Thursday 15th December 2022
12 noon for 12:30(ish)
At Dallington Old School Village Hall

  • Tickets £10 for a 3 course Christmas lunch, including soft drinks & coffee
  • Please bring a Secret Santa gift costing under £2 & your own alcohol if wanted
  • There will be a post box available for your village Christmas cards
  • For tickets and further information (and to specify any dietary requirements or to offer any assistance) please contact Jane Messer before 8th December on 07766 434847 or janepalma2015@gmail.com

If you would like to print out a copy of the flyer to share, please use this link Village Christmas Lunch 2022 flier

Village Hall Events November 2022

After a very successful quiz night in October, here is the calendar for November:

  • Saturday 5th Library Cafe 10-12noon
    (our monthly Saturday morning opening)
  • Thursday 24th Christmas Wreath Workshop 10am -12 noon
    Come and make a Christmas Wreath with Frances Gorringe & Pauline Ridley. Materials will be provided, but please bring any decorations you would like to include. £5 per head – proceeds to village hall.

In addition our regular weekly activities continue as follows:

  • Mondays     Art Club 10am -12noon;   Library Cafe 2pm-4pm
  • Thursdays  Yoga class 8-9pm
  • Fridays        Chair Yoga  11am -12 noon
    For more details of yoga classes and to book a place, please visit https://www.living-yoga.co.uk/classes

To view all forthcoming activities or to book the hall for your own event, please go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/village-hall-booking/

And to book our newly refurbished Billiard Room, go to https://dallington.org.uk/village-hall/billiard-room-booking-page/

Road open for Quiz Night 28.10.22

A quick reminder about tomorrow’s Quiz Night and reassurance that despite the road closure signs still visible – The Street is not closed – there may still be a short single lane section outside the school, but full access to the Village Hall is available in both directions.
Friday 28th October Quiz Night – 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start
Tickets £5 per head (on the door or book in advance) to include light buffet refreshments – please bring your own drinks.