Dallington Community Speedwatch Group

(posted on behalf of Andy Bagnall)

The Dallington Community Speedwatch Group (DCSWG) was formed at the end of 2017 with the objective of trying to make our Parish roads safer.

Strict rules govern where, how & when we can operate & as a consequence we are currently limited to monitoring the very dangerous 40mph stretch of the B20096 that runs through the centre of our village

At the moment we have 7 residents who all have undergone the necessary two-stage training process. This is not onerous- the 1st stage is undertaken online & the 2nd consisted of a session in the Old School run by a police representative.

Clearly the more trained operatives we have, the more times we can be active on the roads & hopefully the safer we can make them. So if you would like to join us & help make Dallington’s roads safer, then please go to communityspeedwatch.co.uk or contact the Dallington group co-ordinator andy_bagnall@btinternet.com