Election of Parish Councillors for Dallington

As previously posted, Dallington will have an uncontested election for parish councillors on 02.05.19.

There are 5 candidate places available and 4 candidates applied for nomination.  These are Nikki Holyoake, Wendy Miers, Pauline Ridley and Trish Wilson.

Stella Bellem has stepped down, she will be missed, but is continuing to do other work for the Dallington community.  With one vacancy, we will shortly be advertising to co-opt another Dallington Parish Councillor.

Click here to see the official notice from the Rother Returning Officer.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Dallington Parish Assembly 2019

The Dallington Parish Assembly was held on 16.04.19, it wasn’t particularly well attended, but we had a very pleasant evening – wonderful food and lots of wine.

John Barnes (County and District Councillor) and Eleanor Kirby-Green (District Councillor) were there and we were able to thank them for their support on so many issues.

Sergeant David Sands (Dave) came along and responded to the many questions asked.

Peter Miles from the Messenger Group was there, and it is becoming evident that The Messenger and the Dallington website together are becoming the “Parish Pump” for information and communication.  Everyone agreed that the new format of The Messenger is excellent.

All the reports from County (ESCC), District (RDC) and the organisations in the Parish will be available on the Dallington website – DPC Meetings 2019-20 page – as soon as my new printer arrives, and I can scan them!

We are look forward to next year’s Parish Assembly and will put a lot of thought into better advertising.

Irene – Parish Clerk

DPC meeting (21.05.19) change of date

The date of the Dallington Parish Council meeting (first meeting after the election) has been changed to 15.05.19 (Wednesday) – to start at 7pm in the Village Hall.

The date of the Dallington Recreation Ground meeting has also been changed from 21.05.19 to 17.09.19 – to start at 7pm in the Village Hall.


Dallington Parish Assembly 2019

The Dallington Parish Assembly 2019 will be held on 16th April 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
Your County, District and Parish Councillors will be there, with Sussex Police and the clubs, societies and organisations in the Parish.
It is a very pleasant and informal evening – not a council meeting – a chance to mix and mingle, ask questions and generally get to know one another better.
We do hope you can attend, enjoy the evening and have a glass of wine with us.
Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414 – [email protected]