As my previous post, you will see that there are now two vacancies for Dallington Parish Councillors.
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or would like more information, please contact me at [email protected] or phone on 01424 838414. Alternatively you may like to speak to a current Dallington Parish Councillor.
We hope to co-op new Members to the Council at our May meeting.
Category: Legal/Electoral
Notice of Casual Vacancies (2) at Dallington Parish Council
1. In accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that two CASUAL VACANCIES have occurred in the offices of PARISH COUNCILLORS of the above-named Parish in the Ward of Burwash and the Weald, due to the resignations of Wendy Miers and Nichola Holyoake.
2. An election to fill these vacancies will be held if, within 14 days (not counting Saturdays and Sundays and certain days) from the date below, TEN electors for the Parish give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer.
3. The address of the Returning Officer is:
4. In accordance with Rule 5(4) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rules 2006, if the vacancy is not filled by election, it shall be filled by the Parish Council as soon as practicable.
5. For further information about the co-option process, which the Parish Council will follow if no valid request for an election is received, please contact the Parish Clerk.
Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk
Dated – 25th March 2025
Address – St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414
Please click on the link below to see the Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and the Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors. Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors Further information for all Rother Parishes and Wards can be found on the link below. |
Parish Council Elections 4th May 2023
As you all know, parish councils elections will be held on 4th May
For further information and should you wish to stand, please see the following information from Richard Adams (Election Services Manager) at Rother District Council.
Dear all,
I’m writing to let you know that nomination papers for both the district and parish council elections are now available to download from the Rother website at the following link:
The current elections page also includes links to the timetable, Electoral Commission guidance, annotated nomination papers, and request forms for the electoral register/absent voters lists, along with other information. I hope you find these resources useful.
In addition, I have attached a copy of the parish council nomination papers (as well as the annotated nominated papers) to this email for convenience.
I would strongly encourage candidates to refer to the annotated nomination papers before completing their own papers – they are a really good resource which will take them through what needs to be included on every page of the forms.
Please forward this email on to any of your Councillors who will be standing again, as well as anyone else who expresses an interest in standing as a candidate.
As ever, please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Richard Adams
Electoral Services Manager
Corporate Core – Electoral Services
01424 787826
I also have the nomination papers, so you can contact me for these and further information.
Irene – Parish Clerk
01424 838414/07711224150 – [email protected]
Notice of Election May 2023
Please click on the following link to see the Notice of Election for District and Parish Councillors, from Rother District Council.
New Voter ID requirements
The Electoral Commission have established new voter ID requirements that will come into force from the Local Government elections in May 2023.
All the information you require can be found on the links below.
Voter ID Requirements
Voter ID Guide