Be Careful – Dangerous Dogs in Dallington

For anyone not the the local Facebook pages…

This is copy and pasted from Rother Police this evening –

Police are urgently trying to locate three aggressive dogs which are on the loose in Dallington, while also looking to trace their owner.

Officers were called to Buckholt Farm at 7.35am on Thursday (October 28) by a resident concerned about three stray terrier-type dogs on their land which were acting aggressively.

Following extensive attempts by police officers and the RSPCA to capture the animals, they fled the farm and are currently unaccounted for.

Anybody who sees the animals should not approach them, but call 999 immediately quoting serial 222 of 28/10. Similarly, if you are their owner please also urgently get in touch with us.

Owners of livestock and other animals are also advised to be vigilant, as the dogs could pose a threat to their safety.