The planned road closure for patching works at Earlsdown (B2096) on 04.07.19, for one night, has been postponed.
A community website for the residents of Dallington in East Sussex
The planned road closure for patching works at Earlsdown (B2096) on 04.07.19, for one night, has been postponed.
Dallington has another planning application.
South Lane, land adjoining Dallington TN21 9NJ – widening of field gate access, hardening of existing track and construction of vehicle turning area for forestry and woodland management associated vehicle use.
Deadline for response is 16.07.19.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website.
Click on the link below to the the Battle Ramblers Summer Walks programme.
Battle Ramblers noticeboard summer evenings walks 2019
The High Weald AONB have a consultation on a design guide for new housing development. Click on the link below to see full details/comment on this consultation.
East Sussex Fire and Rescue have published their Annual Plan 2019-20.
Click on the link below to view it.
The B2096 at Earlsdown will be closed for patching works, to start on 04.07.19 and due to last for one night.
The closure will be from South Lane to Middle Lane from 7pm to 6am.
The map below shows details.
Dallington Parish Council’s financial documents are now available to view on this website – go to
to see the full list of documents.
Click on the links below to see the Public Rights Notice and a Summary of Your Rights.
Public Rights Notice 2018-19
A Summary of your Rights
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the Dallington Parish Council Planning Meeting on 18th June 2019 – to start at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
ESCC is carrying out a review of their Rights of Way Improvement Plan, they have a duty to review the plan every ten years.
Information on the current Rights of Way Improvement Plan is available on the link below.
ESCC would like to gather your views on how they can develop their new plan and have the following questions for your consideration.
1. What do you think is good about access to the East Sussex countryside?
2. How do you think ESCC could improve access to the countryside and what are the barriers?
3. What do you think ESCC should be trying to achieve over the next 10 years for countryside access in East Sussex?
If you have any views on the above questions, please can you send your response by 04.07.19 to
[email protected]
Dallington Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, due to the resignation of Councillor Stella Bellem.
If you are interested in becoming a Dallington Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk at [email protected]
Please click on the link below to see the official notice for a Councillor Vacancy.
Vacancy for a Councillor