New Dallington History website

Screenshot of website URL in post
Screenshot of the new website

Some of you may already know the Dallington History site which has existed for several years, holding a collection of materials from various sources: occasional local history talks, census returns and other documents, as well as individual articles and queries received from people from around the world researching their Dallington ancestors.

The site has now been given a new look and a major restructure, designed to make it easier to record and celebrate the history of our village, the people who have lived here and the places where they have lived and worked. It has also been registered as a One Place Study (

This is still a work in progress, but eventually there will be a page for every house in the village, with details about the buildings and a list of who has lived there over the years, alongside information about individual families and other resources including articles on social history. The site is intended as a community resource for use by anyone researching local or family history, so please do take a look and use the new Queries & Replies page to share any information or questions you may have. You can find it at