Full Fibre Super-fast Broadband now available at Woods Corner

It’s here at last!
Woods Corner, starting at Old Carpenters and Graylings to the last properties on the B2096 (connected to Brightling BT Box 4) now have the opportunity for full fibre super-fast broadband.
To start an installation:
1. Go to https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL
2. Use the Address Checker and submit your address, you will see the following screen.

Screenshot (248)

If your screen shows WBC FTTP – Downstream up to 1000, Upstream up to 200 (second row, left hand column) – you can have full fibre, super-fast broadband.
If you decide to go for it, you will have to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) e.g. btinternet.com, plusnet, Sky, hotmail etc., and let them know you wish this installed.
I need to publicly thank, once again, John Shanks and Andrew Wedmore for all the work and effort they have put into this, about 2 year’s worth!
Irene – Parish Clerk
PS: Sky and BT are installing mine on 11.09.23!