St Giles Services February 2023 (and Christmas report)

Church services in February

  • Sunday 5th         11am             Service of The Word
  • Sunday 12th       6.30pm         Evensong
  • Sunday 19th      11am.              Holy Communion
  • Sunday 26th    9.30am           Holy Communion

Christmas Report

Christmas was a busy and happy time for all involved in the church. It started with our festival of Christmas Trees, a project devised and driven by Wendy Miers. As we have on our doorsteps an ancient woodland, Wendy named the exhibition, ‘The Magic of Dallington Forest’. The idea was that those in the village who cared to join in would decorate a tree in whichever way they chose and the enthusiastic response delighted Wendy and all those fortunate to enjoy the display. So on Friday, December 16th the church was a hive of industry and before our eyes a forest of trees appeared, decorated with diverse themes and all lit up with twinkling lights.
The next day, December 17th, there was a coffee morning and an opportunity for visitors to come and enjoy the sight.
The final glory was a tall and beautiful tree very kindly given to the church by Jon Avery.
Now the scene was set for the Carol Service on December 18th. This as always took the form of the old, old story being told in the reading of Nine Lessons and carols. One could never tire of hearing these words.
Afterwards wine and mince pies and much looking at the trees.
December 24th, and in the wind and pouring rain, we made our way to the church to celebrate Midnight Mass. The service was led by the Rector, the Reverend Marc Lloyd, to whom we give grateful thanks for starting a busy Christmas  marathon with us.
On the first of January we had the pleasure of welcoming the Reverend Tony Cannon. We thanked him for leading a service of Holy Communion to start our year.
Lastly, and to wind up our Christmas celebrations, on January 6th Marc held a short service for Epiphany. Coffee and cakes beforehand and decorations down afterwards, but in a brief interlude Marc read the wonderful story by T.S. Eliot of ‘The journey of The Magi’ and now everyone had arrived in Bethlehem.

posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel