Dallington events for December 2018

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Church services in December

  • Sunday 2nd     11am.        Service of The Word
  • Sunday 9th      6.30pm.   Evensong
  • Sunday 16th    11am.        Holy Communion
  • Sunday 23rd    6.30pm    Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Followed by mulled wine and mince-pies
  • Monday 24th   11.30pm. Congregation-led time of readings and Carols.
  • Sunday 30th     11am.      Service of The Word

Gift Day On Saturday, December 1st there will be a Gift Day and lunch in the church. Stalls and a raffle from 11am till noon, followed by lunch, 12-2pm.

Flower Club A note from Angela:
The December meeting will be on Thursday 6th at 2pm in The Old School. Pam asks us to make something that we would use in our homes for Christmas. Due to dwindling numbers this may be our last class.

The WI Christmas lunch will be on Thursday,  December 20th at 12.30pm in the Old School Village Hall.

Art Club Every Monday morning 10am-12 in the Old School Village Hall. All welcome

Library Cafe Every Monday afternoon 2-4pm in the Old School Village Hall. Come for a chat, a cup of tea and to borrow or buy books and DVDs. This month the Saturday morning opening of the cafe will be on the second Saturday ie 8th December to avoid a clash with the Gift Day in St Giles the week before. We hope to include a range of items for sale as well as the usual books and refreshments