August/September Parish Announcements

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steele)

St Giles Church
Sunday  services in September:

  • 2nd          11am.        Service of The Word
  • 9th          6.30pm.    Evensong
  • 16th        11am.         Holy Communion
  • 23rd        9.30am.    Holy Communion
  • 30th         11am.     Service of The Word

On Sunday August 5th we had the pleasure of welcoming the Archdeacon of Hastings, the Ven. Edward Dowler, who led a service of Holy Communion.

An early reminder that we will celebrate the Harvest Festival on Sunday October 14th at 6.30pm., to be followed by Harvest Supper in the church. More information in the October edition, but please make a note of the date in your diaries.
Old School Village Hall: the hall is now open every Monday afternoon from 2-4pm for the “Library Cafe” book exchange. Drop in to browse, borrow or buy books and DVDs, or just enjoy a sociable chat. Tea or coffee and biscuits are served and all are welcome to join these increasingly popular sessions.  We are also planning to run Saturday morning sessions on the first Saturday of each month, starting in September.
Art Club We meet  in the Old School Village Hall every Monday morning from 10-12. A friendly group with varied levels of experience, we welcome new members. Contact Pauline Ridley on 01435 830152 for more information.
Flower Club: a note from Angela: The Flower Club will meet in the Old School Village  Hall on Thursday September 6th at 2pm. Our subject will be  ‘A Nursery Rhyme’. Anyone is welcome to join our friendly group at the huge cost of £3 per session. We learn a little, talk a lot and enjoy a cuppa with lots of laughs!
WI. At our meeting in July we had a welcome return from an excellent Speaker, Chris O’Donoghue, who gave a talk, illustrated with photographs, on Great Dixter. Chris spoke about the house and garden in the time of the Lloyd family and its continuance today in the hands of a trust. In September we look forward to welcoming Paul Green whose talk is entitled ‘ A Step Back in Time’. We will meet in the Old School Village Hall at 2.15pm and visitors are always welcome.