St Giles Services December 2022

(Posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

Services and other events in St Giles in December 2022

Sunday December 4th.           11am.              Service of The Word
11th.           6.30pm.        Evensong
18th.         6.30 pm.       Carol Service
Christmas Eve         24th.          11.30pm.      Midnight Mass
Sunday January.       1st.             11am.            Service of The Word

There is to be a celebration of Christmas Trees in the church. Local groups and individuals are invited to decorate a tree in any way they choose, to remember loved ones, celebrate a special occasion or simply for the joy of taking part. Wendy Miers will be able to give more information. On Saturday December 17th there will be a coffee morning and it is hoped that lots of visitors will come and enjoy seeing the decorations in the church.
The next day, Sunday December 18th, there will be more hospitality after the Carol Service with mince pies and wine.
The Reverend Marc Lloyd will officiate at the Midnight Service starting at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve.
On January 5th Twelth  Night will be marked with coffee and cakes, followed by a short service after which the Christmas decorations will be taken down.