St Giles November 2022


Sunday.  6th.      11am.                             Service of The Word
13th.    10.50 am for 11am.   Remembrance
20th.   11am.                             Holy Communion
27th.   9.30am.                       Holy Communion

On October 2nd we celebrated Harvest Festival. The Rector, Reverend Marc Lloyd led the service and the church was beautifully dressed with flowers and harvest produce. A good congregation were ready to give thanks and sing the lovely, well-known hymns. And then the music computer started to make the most alarming noise and had to be turned off. Fortunately there were enough voices to sing unaccompanied, “Come, ye thankful people” and
“We plough the fields”.
After the service we shared Harvest supper with neighbours and friends. It was very much enjoyed and I have been asked by a number of those present to thank the cooks. Donations for the Hailsham Food Bank raised a good sum and this has been sent with our love and best wishes.

The hon. Treasurer, Douglas Sewell, having looked after the church finances for a number of years, has given notice of his retirement. We now need to look for someone to fill this post. If anyone would like to know more perhaps they could talk to Douglas who can outline what is involved. 01435 830304.
Bobbie Steel.