Robertsbridge and  Brightling Repair Cafe 2024 dates

(Posted on behalf of Caroline Hodge)

The Robertsbridge and  Brightling Repair Cafe has now been in existence for almost 2 years and in that time has attracted more than 250 people from as far afield as Pevensey and Sevenoaks – so our fame is spreading far and wide.

 2024 promises more of the same. We will be running 5 sessions this year at Robertsbridge Village Hall (dates below).  As usual the Repair Cafe will be from 9.00am until midday, with the last items being accepted at 11.45am – so get there early!    Items take time to be repaired, so please don’t leave it until the last minute.

Dates for this year are:

    • Saturday 10 February
    • Saturday 20 April
    • Saturday 22 June
    • Saturday 14 September
    • Saturday 9 November

In addition to the repairs,  for the first time we will also be collecting unwanted specs and sunglasses for recycling, as well as old tools that will be refurbished by Tools with a Mission and sent to Africa.   We will also continue to work with Energy Champions who attend our Repair Cafes to give advice about reducing energy bills and saving energy. We hope to see you this year.