Parish Council

Who we are & what we do

Dallington Parish Council is one of the three tiers of statutory local authority in this area. The others are Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council (contact details at the end of this page).

Residents are welcome to attend any meeting of the PC. These are normally held on Tuesdays at 7.30pm at the Old School, The Street. Dates of forthcoming meetings are posted on the Village Noticeboard outside the Old School in The Street and are also available through this site.

Members of the Parish Council are unpaid local people elected by residents every four years.  Local volunteers may also be co-opted when there are not enough candidates for seats at an election.

For a list of current councillors and register of members’ interests see “Who we are”

Dallington Parish Clerk:

  • Irene Marchant
    St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
    Telephone: 01424 838414/0771122 4150
    Please contact Irene in the first instance about any matters relating to the Parish Council.

Other tiers of local government