Roads in and around Dallington

The map below shows the local roads and the parish boundary – you may need to zoom in or out, or switch between map and satellite view. It also shows the location of grit bins (yellow markers) and fingerposts (red markers). More detailed information can be found below the map.

Verges The Parish Council is planning to survey all the verges in order to identify those which need special management to protect wildflower species. These will be marked in green on the map, and we hope to work with East Sussex CC to prevent early or excessive cutting. Please let us know about any notable verges by leaving a reply box at the end of  this page – and let us have any photographs if possible.

Grit Bins

Dallington Parish Council has paid for the installation and filling of some additional grit bins. to supplement those provided by East Sussex County Council. The location of all bins is shown by yellow placemarks in the interactive map above; red markers indicate fingerposts. Click on the markers to see information about their current condition, and photos where relevant. Please leave a comment below if you want to report any changes.

These bins are provided and filled so that local residents can treat roads or pavements when necessary – it is not for personal use.  Grit for clearing private paths and drives can be purchased from local DIY and hardware retailers. You can get more information and a map showing which main roads are gritted by ESCC at their road maintenance web page .


Recent hard winters have created even more potholes in our roads. Dallington PC has been chasing ESCC Highways Department to speed up their road mending programme but progress is slow.

You can help by reporting any potholes or other areas of damage to ESCC as soon as you notice these, using  the online fault reporting facility on the ESCC website at
This allows you to pinpoint the problem on a map and your message will be sent direct to the appropriate authority. You can also track the progress of previously reported faults.

Antisocial driving

It is now much easier to report incidents of anti-social driving – whether careless, deliberately aggressive or dangerous – or abandoned vehicles. Sussex Police has re-launched Operation Crackdown – a system that enables anyone to easily and quickly report this type of incident either via, or by calling 01243 64 22 22, for those who don’t have access to the internet.

Every report received through Operation Crackdown is viewed and a decision is made on how best to deal with it. In the majority of cases a letter of advice is sent to the driver or rider, but a report to Operation Crackdown can also lead to arrest and possible conviction, depending on the seriousness of the offence.

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