
photo of treeThis section is about the trees, woodlands and hedgerows, ancient, veteran and modern, of Dallington Parish and its surroundings in the High Weald AONB.

See below for general information, and use the following link to find other articles and news items relating to trees
All posts in category “Trees”

Tree Warden

Our Parish Tree Warden is charged with: –

  • Championing the maintenance of the current parish tree stock
  • Being proactive and promoting trees and their proper management
  • Keeping an eye on local trees and dealing with any relevant matter that might arise
  • Looking out for any pests and diseases
  • Advising or signposting Parishioners to reputable contractors or advisors
  • Getting the local community involved in tree planting of any kind, e.g. woodland, orchards, memorial trees, etc.
  • Being a link between East Sussex County Council and the local community

Our current Tree Warden is Doug Edworthy and he can be reached on 07711 090 925 or

Doug recently worked with other residents to plant some historic oak saplings on the Sugar Loaf Field (see article here “Tree Planting on Sugar Loaf Field” ) He also gives talks and writes here about trees:

Ancient Woodland

Did you know Dallington has many pieces of ancient woodland within the parish boundary? The High Weald Partnership has recently published a  fascinating survey by Jamie Simpson. Follow this link for more information and a link to the full report: “Dallington Forest Ancient and Veteran Tree Survey”. See also an account of a visit to Dallington by the Ancient Tree Forum

For more information, including maps of ancient woodland, historic settlements, ancient trackways, and much more for every parish in the High Weald, go to and find the ZIP file of ‘Dallington Landscape Character Maps’. It is a large 65.75 MB file but well worth downloading if your broadband speed allows. We would like to have the individual maps available as separate files on the Dallington website but copyright issues prevent us from doing so at the moment.

Tree Walks

Would you be interested in ‘Tree Walks’? Do you know of any special, rare or interesting trees in the Parish? What do Dallington’s trees mean to you and to your family? Doug is very interested to hear your ideas and how you would like to celebrate Dallington’s trees.

All posts in category “Trees”

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