Wanted: landowners’ opinions on wooded habitats

(posted on behalf of Doug Edworthy, Tree Warden, Brightling and Dallington parishes)

Land manager opinions on wooded habitats
I’ve recently taken part in a survey of land managers’ opinions on wooded habitats, being run as part of a research project by a PhD student, Sam Aizlewood, at University of Kent, Canterbury. He would welcome input to the survey from other landowners or managers of woodlands of any size in Brightling and Dallington parishes. The survey takes the form of an online Teams interview with Sam and lasts around an hour. Your data is respected and dealt-with in confidence. Please contact him directly at sa2034@kent.ac.uk, he would be delighted to hear from you. More details below:

Text of enclosed flyer:
Participants needed for study on wooded habitats and land management
We would like to hear from you if:

    • You are 18 or over
    • You own or manage land in Kent, East & West Sussex, Surrey or Hampshire with a property of at least 1 hectare
    • You do not need to have woodland or trees on your property

We want to hear any opinions you may have

What you will be asked to do:

  • An interview over video call or in person with the researcher
  • This should take no more than an hour

For more information email: sa2034@kent.ac.uk
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