St Giles Services October 2022

(posted on behalf of Bobbie Steel)

  • Sunday  October 2nd     6.30pm.      Harvest Festival and Supper
    (details below)
  • Sunday  October 9th      6.30pm.     Evensong
  • Sunday  October 16th    11am.           Holy Communion
  • Sunday  October 23rd   9.30am.       Holy Communion
    Sunday  October 30th    11am.           Service of The Word

    The Harvest Festival and Supper will take place on Sunday October 2nd. The service at 6.30pm followed by supper. All are welcome to either or both of these events. It would be very good to have an idea of numbers for the supper, please call Bobbie on 01435 830811. On Saturday 1st there will be a working party, from 10am, to decorate the church for the festival. Everyone, young or a bit older, will be welcomed most warmly. Flower arranging experience or excellence is not required, only willing hands.