Z DPC Minutes 26.11.24

Draft minutes of the Dallington Parish Council meeting held on 26th November 2024

Present: Councillors N. Holyoake (Vice-Chair), N. Harding, P. Ridley

Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

County Councillor E. Kirby-Green (part)

1. Disclosure of interests

Councillor Ridley declared a personal interest in item 12.1 as she is a near relative of the landowner. She will leave the room when this item is discussed.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

The Chair and Councillor Gray sent apologies.

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meetings

RESOLVED: that the draft minutes of the DPC meeting held on 22.10.24 be confirmed as being an accurate record of the proceedings. Councillor Ridley proposed and Councillor Harding seconded, the voting was unanimous. The minutes were signed by Councillor Holyoake, acting as Chair for this meeting.

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green.

This report is attached at the end of these minutes.

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor C. Pearce sent apologies.

5.3 Chair’s report – Councillor W. Miers sent apologies.

5.4 Public Question Time – no member of the public present.

6. Dallington Recreation Ground

6.1 RESOLVED – to accept the quotation from J. French for the works at the DRG in the sum of £1,400.00. These works involve replacement of broken rail and post fencing, a new pedestrian gate next to the car park gate and infill of the dip outside the car park. Councillor Harding proposed and Councillor Ridley seconded, the voting was unanimous.

6.2 The date of the annual Solstice Event is confirmed as 21.12.24. The pavilion will open at 6.30pm and the beacon will be lit at 7pm. DPC will provide mulled wine, soft drinks and hot snacks.

6.3 No other DRG matters for discussion.

7. Consultation: Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings.

The Members considered this, they thought remote attendance was acceptable in certain circumstances, but proxy voting was not acceptable. The Clerk will respond on their behalf.


8. Consultation: 2025 Budget Consultation for Rother District Council

The Members decided not to respond.

9. ESCC: Urban grass cutting 2024

The Members decided that Dallington would have its usual two cuts per year, with the exception of the two wildlife areas. The Clerk will respond to ESCC. (CLERK)

10. Defibrillators

  • The two Dallington defibrillators have been checked by the Clerk and are now registered on The Circuit, the national database for all emergency services.
  • Councillor Harding is to attend another first-aid course to keep his qualification up to date.

11. Planning

11.1 Planning application for consideration.

RR/2024/1766/P – Hop Garden Farm, South Lane

Construction of a garden room extension.

AGREED – to support this application.

11.2 No other planning matters for discussion.

12. Enforcement

12.1 The Dallington item on RDC’s recent enforcement list, ENF/2024/24/DAL Hill View Farm, The Street was discussed and DPC understand that a planning application has been submitted for an access track to the barn that is being used for agricultural machinery.

12.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.

13. Highways/Rights of Way

Nothing urgent to report.

14. Finance

14.1 Bank balances at 31.10.24

  • DPC deposit account – £13,438.09
  • DPC current account – £1,064.34
  • DRG current account – £279.77

14.2 RESOLVED – to approve the following payments. Councillor Harding proposed and Councillor Holyoake seconded, the voting was unanimous.

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Oct/Nov 2024) – £1,080.20
  • DRG top-up – £500.00
  • Hall hire 2023-24 – £204.00
  • * Satswana, DPO services 2023-24 – £90.00
  • * Godaddy, website security (2 years) – £129.31
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * UT service charge – £5.40

* already paid

14.3 RESOLVED – to approve the second quarter accounts at 30.09.24 as presented by the Clerk. Councillor Holyoake proposed and Councillor Ridley seconded, the voting was unanimous.

15. Dates of next meetings

  • 28.01.25 – full council meeting.
  • 18.02.25 – full council meeting or planning meeting (provisional)

ESCC report to Dallington Parish Council on 26th November 2024

County Wide Public Consultation:

Views are being sought on proposals to introduce a booking system at household waste recycling sites across the county. The move could reduce queuing at sites, help save East Sussex County Council as much £50,000 a year and help ensure only residents’ waste is being disposed. The proposals are part of the authority’s work to identify areas where savings can be made to address an expected £55 million funding gap next year.

The proposal would see the introduction of a booking portal on which residents would be able to book a time to visit one of the county’s 10 household waste recycling sites. Residents will also be able to book via telephone. As well as helping the county council make much-needed savings, the new system would reduce queuing at busier sites, help stop trade waste being taken to sites and stop people from outside the county using the facilities to which they do not contribute.

The consultation opened on Monday, October 28 and will run for eight weeks, closing on Sunday, December 22. Your views will be taken into account when council makes a decision in February 2025:


ESCC approve plans for the Household Support Fund

Plans for the allocation of funds from the Household Support Fund (HSF) were agreed by the council this month. The Household Support Fund, intended to support those who are struggling with bills and essential costs, was extended last month by central government. East Sussex County Council has been allocated just under £3.9 million over the next six months to support eligible residents.

This grant will see continued allocation to a range of needs including food banks and vouchers, providing support to vulnerable families and children, and helping pensioners and disabled people who are at risk of food and fuel poverty. Over recent years the cost-of-living pressures have grown and are now affecting more people and families. The allocation of funds considers the increased financial pressures on all households and partners over the winter period. Consultations with delivery partners will help to ensure the best use of the funds.

Funds will be distributed through a variety of partners, including District and Borough Councils and the voluntary sector, who have helped to administer previous funds. Engaging with the same partners will provide continuity and aid with the effective administration of the fund.

More information regarding the Household Support Fund can be found here.

More students to take steps to success

Pupils from across East Sussex have been selected to join a programme which supports young people as they move from school into work, training and further education.

Between September 2024 and August 2026, the Steps to Success programme will work with 315 current year 10 students to develop personal and career development goals to help them with finding opportunities at the end of year 11.

The county council has been awarded over £480,000 for the scheme, which is phase two of a national research programme into supporting young people with their post-16 options. After phase one nine out of ten participating students in East Sussex progressed to sustained post-16 education, employment or training.

From September, the Phase Two project will work with groups of students who are eligible for free school meals and are either persistently absent from school, or have a special educational need or disability (SEND). Students will receive 1:1 coaching to help develop personal and career development goals.

More information regarding the scheme can be found here.

New film pays tribute to foster carers

A new film released this month pays tribute to the unsung heroes of the foster care system.

“Everything” highlights the difference one individual can make to the lives of many through fostering. The fictional story played out in the film centres on foster carer Mike and his family. Mike’s wife organises a surprise 60th birthday party for him and invites two of the children they looked after, who are now adults.

The film has been produced by a partnership of councils and children’s trusts across the country to promote local authority fostering. The project is the largest public sector fostering film collaboration to date, with over 100 participants including East Sussex County Council.

Help and advice is available to county council foster carers, day or night and every foster carer has a dedicated social worker who is locally based in East Sussex. In addition, a 24-hour telephone helpline is available, seven days a week.

More information on fostering with East Sussex County Council is available here and the film can be viewed here.

Apprentices invited to celebrate success

Apprentices from across East Sussex are invited to celebrate their achievements at this year’s graduation ceremony. The evening event will acknowledge the commitment and hard work of local apprentices of all ages and levels, across all sectors.

The East Sussex Apprenticeship Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Winter Garden’s Floral Hall in Eastbourne on, 21 November from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.

Apprentices who have, or will have, achieved their apprenticeship between 1 November 2023 and 1 November 2024, and live or work in the local authority area of East Sussex, are eligible to graduate and are invited to this year’s event.

The Apprenticeship Graduation Awards acknowledge the contribution of those involved in making apprenticeships a success in East Sussex and will be presented at the ceremony. Former apprentices, businesses that employ apprentices, and training providers who deliver apprenticeships are also invited to join the 2024 graduates and celebrate with them.

More information regarding the event and how to register can be found here.