
Dallington Parish Council has purchased and installed two defibrillators.  One is in the small porch in the Village
Hall,  right at the end of the building; the other is located outside The Swan Inn.

You need no medical knowledge or training to use the defibrillators as they have been specifically designed for use by the general public.

No instructions are necessary, just remember the following

  1. Ring 999 for an ambulance – this is the very first thing you do.  You will then be told where your nearest defibrillator is and exactly what to do next while waiting for the paramedics to arrive.
  2. Remove the defibrillator from its cabinet.
  3. Unzip the case.
  4. Press the GREEN button.

THEN FOLLOW THE VOICE PROMPTS, the defibrillator will “talk” you through everything you have to do, it has been specifically designed for use without written instructions and will also prompt you again to phone 999.

It is also important to note that the defibrillator will only work if a person is in cardiac arrest, it actually analyses the heart condition.  So if the person is having a heart attack, faints or is in collapse for any reason apart from cardiac arrest – the defibrillator will not activate.  You will have phoned 999 anyway and help is on the way.


On advice from First Responders we will not be sending out further written instructions as the equipment is regularly updated and printed materials can quickly go out of date.

For more information about the First Responders scheme, please visit the website of the South East Coast Ambulance Service.