Health Services

Doctors’ Surgeries

  • Fairfield Surgery, Burwash (01435 882306)
  • Heathfield Surgery, (01435 864999)
  • Martin’s Oak Surgery, Battle (01424 772060)/
  • Punnets Town Surgery, (01435 830860)

This is not a full listing of local practices – you can search for all GPs and other health services in your area at

You can also call NHS Direct on 0845 4647
for advice 24 hours a day or see their website at (opens in new window)


The village currently has two defibrillators purchased by the Parish Council: one outside the Old School village hall and the other outside the Swan Inn. You need no specialist knowledge to use these; for more information see the Defibrillators page

Accident and Emergency Departments

  • Conquest Hospital, The Ridge, Hastings (01424 755255)
  • Eastbourne District Hospital, Kings Drive (01323 417400)